Humanity's Competition


WARNING: This story contains violent crushing scenes and crude language that may not be suitable for people aged 17 and under.

Chapter One:
“Hell’s Blade”

We swiftly loaded into the military stealth chopper, taking our seats. We put on our straps to secure ourselves into the helicopter and to ensure we would not fall out. My name is Andrew Bratton. I am twenty-eight as of yesterday. Myself and the men in the helicopter are all part of the United States military. However, we aren’t merely soldiers. Anybody with eyes could tell that. Just from the way we walk, the way we talk, the way we do things; we are much distinguished. There’s a big drawback, though. No one knows my name. For the regimes my team and I have toppled and the people we’ve saved. We are part of a branch, denied to exist by the government. We are an elite team named Hell’s Blade. We are rumored to be unrivaled throughout the world. Our equipment is better than any ever provided to any other soldier. Well, that we know of. We don’t wear the camouflage that other members wear. Our gear is all black, including our gadgets. As we are told, there is nothing in the world that could ever rival us. It is almost proven, as, despite the odds of our missions, we have never lost a man.
The chopper took off from the aircraft carrier naval vessel and started its intended course. That reminded me to get my mind on the mission. Our leader, who we don’t even know the name of, informed us of some unrest on a remote vacation island. He said that there were a group of people that were seeking to use some kind of means to start a rebellion. We were assigned the task of killing the people involved and extracting before dawn. The digital clock inside the chopper read out eleven fifty-seven, three minutes before we were supposed to deploy. Our chopper rides were always the same, silent, excepting, of course, the engine. I looked out as far as I could to view the island, barely spotting it.
“Hang on, boys. We’re going stealth and then landing.” A pilot yelled from the cockpit. The chopper slowed down significantly and the little lighting that was available faded out. It was as quiet as quiet got. My team and I readied ourselves. As soon as we felt the chopper touch the ground, we were already undoing our harnesses and jumping out of our ride, rifles at the ready. We scanned the area with our night-vision goggles and, confident there was nobody, waited for the pilots to give the okay. Something rumbled beneath the ground, catching a few of us off-guard. We again looked for anybody, however, that turned up negative. The pilots took a little longer than usual, but they still exited with a piece of paper.
“All right, you guys know what you’re here to do. We think we can make your job a little easier. That rumbling came from the far shore on the island. It’s somewhat off-coast, but not too far. Good luck, guys.” The pilot said, pointing to the other side of the island. We nodded and started our stealthy sprint across the sandy beaches, occasionally getting our boots in the crystal clear water, sparkling brilliantly under the moonlight. I was content on making that water red with blood. Any enemy of the United States was an enemy of mine. And I plan on making them regret opposing me.

Chapter Two:

“Ayane, you want to what?” Kasumi gasped, astonished. I hated her. Everything about her. To her laugh, her clothes, her hair, everything. However, as ill luck had it, I had to team up. Ever since that last match against Christie and Kokoro. That made me even madder. Helena and I were partners at the time. We played a volleyball match against them, thinking we were good. The match ended seven to zero, them. Helena split up with me. I hated her too, but that wasn’t at the top of my list. Kasumi, somehow, had been without a partner for the past day. I didn’t care how it happened, but I knew that she was my last resort.
“To partner up! Don’t look at me like that!” I shot back, irritated at her.
“With everything that’s happened, though…”
“I’ve thought about that before I came here, Kasumi! Can we put our differences aside? Just for one vacation? Think about how good we’ll be. We are the fastest and, quite possibly, the most skilled on this island. If we were to team up, no one would be able to defeat us.”
Kasumi paused to think. If she didn’t accept, well, I couldn’t say I cared. If she did, I had to learn to put my differences with her aside. I had such a hate for her in my heart that I wasn’t sure I could play with her everyday. No matter, I thought, she’ll help.
“A-All right, Ayane. I guess we could play together. Like normal sisters…” Kasumi said, nodding slowly.
I grinned, taking in my victory. “Good. Then we’ll meet in the hotel lobby tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, got it?”
“Um, sure. Ayane-chan, what hotel are you staying in?” Kasumi asked me, almost reluctantly.
“Moonlight Reef, the same as you!” I said. My temper was almost too much. I simply could not talk to Kasumi normally.
“Ayane…I’ve always wanted to walk by my sister. We can do it now, r-right?”
I looked up at the sun, it was going back in the sky, casting a dark glow against my body. It was time to head in for the night. Kasumi was too emotional. She always wanted things to end well. Not like you, Ayane. You are a flawless, lethal ninja. It’ll be a cold day in hell that sees Kasumi be better than you. I thought, smiling to myself.
“Sure, Kasumi,” I said, sighing, “whatever does it for you.” And so, for the first time in my life, Kasumi and I walked side by side, teamed up by ourselves. The sun was now completely down so Kasumi and I hurried on. While passing the Zack of All Trades shop, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.
“Kasumi,” I hissed, silently, “look over at the shop. There’s people…” She looked and spotted them. I was barely able to make them out as Christie and Kokoro. They were putting on scuba gear over their swimsuits, Kasumi and I hid behind some high shrubbery and kept to watching them. Kokoro dove into the water and went under. Christie followed and cast a final look back before diving in as well.
“Ayane, what could they be doing?” Kasumi asked, confused. I couldn’t say that I knew. She knew that I didn’t know. Something was up, and all I wanted to do was follow them.
“I don’t know. Let’s follow them.” I suggested, coming out from the forest.
“Ayane-chan, they could be doing something bad…” She started, when I motioned her to silence. Overhead, I spotted a helicopter. It was running very quietly as it flew over us and across the island. I thought it was just a normal patrol; however, I distantly was able to see it landing. There was nothing to suggest the two events were related at all, but I had a feeling they were. I ran at the shop and found some more scuba gear lying there. I took an oxygen mask and an air tank. Kasumi followed, doing the same. I hadn’t a clue why she would come, but that didn’t matter. It was just more help for me, as much as I disliked the idea of Kasumi helping. We dove into the water and swam, spotting Christie and Kokoro by the sea floor about twenty yards from us. Kasumi and I hid behind a rock, watching them closely.
Christie dusted some sand with her hand, revealing a hidden metallic door. They swam towards it as it opened. Five seconds later, they were gone. Kasumi and I looked at each other with concerned looks. I waited a minute or two before giving the signal to proceed to the door. Like Christie and Kokoro, it opened for us as we swam inside. We were both inside when the door closed.

Chapter Three:
“Ninja Intervention”

The doors around us clicked. There were no lights or windows so we were unable to tell anything about where we were. We felt the water draining, so I figured it was a pressure lock. We soon were in a humid, but dry environment. The door in front opened up, with light flooding into the dark room. We walked out and looked around us. It looked to be the interior of a ship. The hallway continued in a linear fashion as we traversed it. Kasumi and I eventually entered a laboratory, quite a contrast from what we were expecting. Large screens were displaying all sorts of data in addition to the large server towers, chemist equipment, chemical stores, and other stuff I had never seen. Christie and Kokoro were somewhat ahead of us so we hid behind two server towers close to them.
Christie was holding up a vial of a red liquid. “It’s ready, Kokoro. All of the efforts you and I have dedicated to this project have paid off.”
Kokoro looked excitedly at the vial. “Ah, it’s nice to know.”
“Well, as you can plainly see,” Christie continued, motioning to a monitor showing calculations, “the chemical may be a bit too much. Too powerful, that is. We will split this vial of mine. A vial a piece may be lethal.”
“What are we going to do with mine then? We can’t just leave it out or dump it.”
“Good point. I’ll cover mine, and I guess we could try to figure out a neutralizer.”
“I thought you said it was undefeatable. That’s what we’re going to need when we take it.”
“Not to worry. I’ve already considered the possibility of this. This formula I got off of a target of mine. You can infer he died. From the files he left, this was his life’s project. Shame he had to die before he could make it.” Christie laughed.
“If he had it, maybe someone else passed it along…”
“Impossible. It says in his files that he went to the government with this, seeking funding. The United States knew what he had on his hands and just what it could do. They shut him down, hard. He was ordered to destroy all files pertaining to this and stop working on it. They threatened him with capital punishment. The same night he backed everything up on a small flash drive…and lucky he did. About ten guys in suits showed up the next day and swept the house. Everything he had even remotely relating to this was seized and destroyed thereafter.”
Kokoro frowned. “Then how did you get them?”
“That’s the best part. Once it was discovered that he was continuing to work on them, I was contacted by the President himself. He agreed to grant me amnesty on the condition that I kill him and make it look like it was committed by a concerned citizen.”
“How’d you manage that?”
“Simple. I arrived that night and interrogated him, just for my personal interest. I let him know that I could make the end as easy or as hard for him as I pleased. He gave me the files so I gave him some cyanide. After, I kidnapped his neighbor, forced her to fire a pistol at him seven times and then kill herself with a shot to the head.”
Kokoro grimaced and looked at the ground. “Christie, that’s sick.”
“Yeah, but whatever pays the bills, you know? Anyhow, enough talk. Let’s take this. We will be leaders of the planet. Every man on Earth will want us. Every bit of us.” Christie laughed, evilly.
Kasumi edged out, trying to get a glimpse of them. Unintentionally, she hit a plastic cover loose and caused it to clatter to the ground. Kokoro and Christie looked at the plastic cover to Kasumi’s leg.
“Come on, upstairs, quick!” Kokoro shouted, already running. Kasumi and I remained still, not sure what to do. I figured my cover was blown so there was nothing to lose. I signaled to Kasumi to follow me. I sprinted after them, barely missing them. The door was locked. Christie and Kokoro looked out from a fiberglass window. Kasumi came to my side as we looked at them.
“What are you guys doing here?” I asked, not really sure as to their purpose.
“One could say the same to you.” Christie replied, regaining her calm.
“We’re here to find out what exactly is going on.”
“Oh, hear that Kokoro? They want to get an early glimpse of the action!”
“What action?” Kasumi asked. I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation anymore. I was staring at a screen. I nudged Kasumi’s arm to look. Christie smirked maliciously as we turned our eyes to the screen. It showed models of Christie and Kokoro, except they were put up to scale against a scale that read out at the bottom, zero, and the top, three hundred. It showed two vials of that red stuff being poured on them. Their bodies grew to the three hundred mark before stopping. My eyes widened. Christie nodded, laughing.
“You shouldn’t have come hear, nosy girl. Now, destiny awaits!” Kokoro said, keying a button. The windows were covered with metal blinds. Both Kasumi and I knew what we had to do at this point. We ran to the lab table when I stopped.
“Ayane, what are you doing?” Kasumi asked, frantically. I picked up the second vial of red liquid.
“You aren’t actually thinking of taking it…”
“Kasumi! Let’s fight them! Let’s win! I don’t want to be thrown around for the rest of my life!” I had never been more determined to get Kasumi to cooperate than I was now. Kasumi looked up at the room and to me. She nodded. I held the vial up to the light and took a gulp, consuming roughly half of the chemical. As Kasumi took her, I struggled to make it go down. It tasted like a combination of burning rubber and cough syrup. I fought against my body and felt it finally go down my throat. Kasumi dropped the vial and staggered over to the table, leaning on it.
“I-I can’t…see…straight…” She stuttered as if she was drunk. I had noticed no dizziness, but it didn’t matter. Pain was jolting through my entire body. I noticed I was taller than the server towers now. It was working. I would have my victory; all of the pain was worth it.

Chapter Four:
“Orders Stand”

My team and I, after a long jog, reached the site of the tremors. There was another man there as well. He was African-American and looked stunned.
“What is going on? My island isn’t going down again!” The man asked nobody, running around like it was Armageddon. We approached him and held him at gunpoint.
“Who are you?” He yelled, scared.
“Restrain him.” I ordered. Two men approached him, forced him to the sand, and handcuffed him.
“Relax. Any resistance will result in charges.” Another squad member said.
“Eyes sharp! Look there, in the water!” The man standing next to me said, pointing to a spot not far from the shore. Huge air bubbles were floating to the surface and wave activity was increasing. There was definitely something there. That something would change my life from the moment I looked at the area.
From that disruption in the water rose a young woman with purple hair, a bandanna, and a blue one-piece bathing suit. My men and I were speechless. That wasn’t all. On her right, another girl, only she sported black hair with a white bikini. To the purple-haired girl’s left, a girl with hazel-colored hair and a blue bikini. And, as if that wasn’t enough, a woman, who looked more mature than the others, with white hair and a white bikini that looked like lingerie. We expected more, but none came. To take its place, a silence where no one said a word but the giantesses looked at each other.
“Now! We will finish your plans here, Christie!” The purple-haired girl said, pointing at the one with white hair.
“I will not be defeated by you! Kokoro and I are more than enough for you two.” Christie said, smirking. The one with black hair, Kokoro, nodded and put her hands on her hips.
I whispered to the man next to me, “Get a size reading.” He did so, using his binoculars. His eyes went wider then I thought was possible. “Three hundred feet even, sir.”
“Kasumi, why have you followed her? You don’t want to be in this. You should have stayed out.” Kokoro said, looking at the girl with the hazel-colored hair.
Kasumi shook her head. “I will follow Ayane and defeat you. I will not allow you to hurt the world.” The woman with purple hair, who I assumed was Ayane, didn’t look like those were her intentions but nodded. As far as I could tell, Kasumi and Ayane were having a fight with Kokoro and Christie.
“Sir, orders?” My squad asked, shaken. I wanted to say run back to the helicopter so we could go home safely, but that wasn’t what we were instructed.
“Orders stand as they were issued.” I said, trying to keep confidence. My team nodded, took their rifles out, and fired into them. The bullets impacted everywhere, snagging their attention. We ran out of ammunition quickly, but they still stood. They were holding their hands out like they were scared, but they were unharmed.
“We’re okay?” Ayane asked.
“Those felt like pinpricks!” Kokoro said, looking at us.
“Shit! Get out of there! Come on, move it!” I yelled, realizing the situation. We ran as fast as we could towards the other end of the island, but it was no good. They had started stepping on us. In a last ditch effort to save my life, I made a quick roll into the forest. Fortunately, the girls did not see this so I was saved. The rest of my team probably hadn’t been as lucky. Then again, they were some of those most elite soldiers alive, so I wasn’t going to give up hope that one or two had made it. I covered my head with my hands and ducked as the booms resonated throughout the island. I heard multiple explosions and screaming. What I would do or where I would go was a mystery. For the moment, I had no better plan than just staying here. I sat down on a log and thought hard.
It came to me like a stack of bricks. The helicopter. It was a long shot, but I had no other options. I snuck through the forest, scared of being detected.

Chapter Five:
“Anger of a Goddess”

I spotted the helicopter through dense wooding, but it was there. I looked for the pilots, but they were nowhere to be found. I was just about to exit the woods when a gigantic foot slammed firmly into the ground next to me. I literally froze. I looked up the body to see the white bikini with matching hair; it was Christie.
“I don’t care! We made it! We took the time to make and perfect it! You just took it off of us and grew. This is our planet.” Christie yelled, pointing to Ayane.
“We did this because we want to take over…” Ayane started, when Kasumi looked at her.
“Um, take over control of this situation and stop you!” Ayane improvised. It was bullshit. She was here to kill and that was all. Kasumi seemed to be the only really innocent one in this.
“That doesn’t make you any better than a common thief!” Kokoro accused Ayane, frowning. Ayane and Kasumi ran off of the beach, diving into the water and creating large waves that broke against Kokoro and Christie’s huge legs.
“Where do you think they’re going?” Kokoro asked Christie, watching them swim farther and farther away.
“They’re heading to the United States. They will be securing territory. This is a war, Kokoro. Forget about the military! Ayane and Kasumi will fall, and we will be the ones ushering that in! Come, let’s hit Asia, there’s a massive population.” Christie explained. Kokoro smiled and nodded. They dove into the water and swam off. I watched them, unbelievingly. Each one of them was beautiful, but deadly. A formidable combination, to be sure. I had time to think about ethics later. The situation hit me all at once. The girls were out to enslave the world. And I, Andrew Bratton, was the only one who knew. Christie and Kokoro said they were heading to Asia, so I had to alert their security forces. I ran to the helicopter and hit the ignition. Within the minute, the chopper was up and heading towards Asia. I scanned the water for Christie or Kokoro, but I saw no one. In a matter of twenty minutes, I landed on a resort beach. Men, women, and children all stopped what they were doing and looked at me as I walked out. However, after a silent second or two, they cheered. Confused, I shook it off and continued into the city. I found a police station relatively close to the beach so I ran in.
“Excuse me! Can you understand me?” I asked. He looked at me strangely.
“Yes, I can.” He responded with a heavy accent.
“You need to summon military forces and issue evacuation orders. There’s two giants heading towards Asia as we speak.”
He smiled and laughed. “You are funny, American.”
It just dawned on me how stupid the story sounded. “No, I’m serious! They’re coming now, probably less than two minutes behind me.”
“Excuse me, sir. But I have real work to attend to.”
“Listen to me…”
“If you continue, I will have to detain you. Please leave, sir.” He said, annoyed. I glared at him and left. I walked to a nearby overpass and looked at my helicopter on the beach. I stared out into the water, waiting for them. However, ten minutes passed, and I still didn’t see them. I wondered if maybe they had gone to the United States. I figured I’d give them a shot too. My rank actually meant something in America anyhow. I jogged within fifty feet of my chopper when Kokoro emerged from the water, stepping on my chopper. She gazed down at me with her huge eyes and smiled. Christie appeared out of the water about a mile away for us. People began screaming and running in different directions. I stood next to the ruined chopper looking at her, fearfully.

Chapter Six:

The ground shook as it never had before as buildings fell down onto the streets. Christie’s laughs were barely recognizable over the screaming. Kokoro didn’t let off of me; she continued looking at me as I stood there, rooted to the spot. I studied her expression. It appeared that she was looking for something. I backed up some ten paces. She advanced on me.
“Hold it. You’re from those guys before who tried shooting us.” Kokoro said, calmly. My first instinct was to get out of the chokehold.
“I have no recollection of ever being part of a shooting.” I lied terribly. It was meaningless conversation at this point, but it delayed death. I didn’t want to die like this. It didn’t seem fitting. Kokoro frowned and picked me up with her left hand and held me so close to her face I could feel her breath.
“Yes you are! I know you are! You wear the same uniform as they did, and I can recognize your voice! Do you think I am stupid?” She growled. I shook my head.
“Good! Now, let’s find someway to kill you. How about a fall of three hundred feet? That sounds fun, doesn’t it?” She laughed. I got out my combat knife in a last ditch effort to save my life. I took it in both hands and stabbed with all my might. The blade shattered as it made contact with her. I was in shock, however, Kokoro seemed to be having the best time of her life.
“What? You were expecting me to die?” She asked, shaking her head. I tried to think of something to say, but I was coming up with nothing. No one could really blame me, though. It wasn’t as if this happened daily.
“How’s about you stick with me for a while?” Kokoro asked, eyeing Christie as she tore through the streets of the city. I should know what city this was, but geography was never one of my strengths. Kokoro’s question was a weird one to me, although it was keeping me alive at the moment. It wasn’t so much as to a why she was keeping me. In my mind, it was more or less a where she was keeping me. I hadn’t had the chance to answer Kokoro when Christie turned around and saw her. She smiled and walked towards her.
Kokoro looked worried about this and turned around. She took me in her hand and shoved me right inside of her bikini’s top. I wasn’t sure what had just happened or why. But I did know that I was stuck in a giantess’ bikini and that it wasn’t helping me any by being here.
“Hey, man. Seems like she’s got a thing for men and her tits.” A familiar voice said. I looked next to me. Dressed in the same military clothes that I was, one of my squad members, Calvin Gray, was in her with me. I would have asked how the hell he got inside of Kokoro’s top if the circumstances had been different.
I laughed. “Guess so.”
“So, here’s the news. Well, the bad news. This top of hers is way too tight for us to get out of here without getting her attention. The worse news is that it’s goddamn hot in here…”
“Any good news?”
“Hey, if you’re into boobs…”
“Only joking! If there was a way out, I would have been out in a heartbeat.”
“This fabric looks like it can be cut, but I just shattered my knife…shit.”
“Good idea! I still got mine.” Calvin said, taking it out of its sheath on his leg. He thrust it forward through the material and began carving a hole. He stopped suddenly, hearing Christie talking to Kokoro.
“Kokoro! What are you doing? We need to secure this area.” Christie asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just…living a few dreams.” Kokoro responded, giggling. Calvin and I exchanged glances and shrugged.
“All right then. Help me finish this quickly. You don’t want to fall behind Ayane and Kasumi, do you?”
“I won’t.” She said. She began walking for a little bit and then we felt her sit down. Calvin began working on the hole again, but Kokoro reached in and took us both.

Chapter Seven:
“A Demonstration of Power”

I swam alongside of Kasumi for a while; I figured for the better part of eight minutes or so. Finally, we saw a coast with a bunch of people on it. Humans have never looked so small before. I couldn’t even call us the same species. With this power and growth, I feel that I have ascended from a human to a true goddess. There wasn’t one of them who could hurt me. The people on the beach spotted Kasumi and I swimming towards them and started screaming and running away. I had always had malicious intentions. Maybe making a death more violent or gruesome then it should have been. But never mass murder. That wasn’t affecting my decisions at all, though. Something in my mind told me that I should kill them. I needed to kill them. I set foot on shore next to Kasumi and stood up straight, viewing the city. I was taller than everything. Buildings seemed like toys now. I stepped right on top of a large group of people. They were so small so counting was impossible. I felt their puny bones crumble beneath me. I lifted my foot up and looked at the bottom of it. It was covered with blood and dirt.
I knew nothing else other than the fact that it felt good and that I wanted to kill more.
“Ayane! You just killed those people!” Kasumi said, shocked. Of course…I had forgotten her. I had lied to get her to take the chemical with me. I didn’t know how to get her to lighten up and let me destroy or even to take part.
“Kasumi, don’t you realize what has happened? We have become supreme. There is no use for these people anymore. They will not succumb to us, so why keep them around?” I said.
“You took the formula to stop Christie and Kokoro. You didn’t say you were going to destroy like they are!” She said, staring at me. I was caught. I needed a way out. Something to make her want to make people die as much as I did.
“These people don’t make a difference! We are the new rulers of this planet. No one can stop either of us. What’s the point of having useless people around? They’re only in this for their gain.” I explained, not really even believing what I had just said. My statements were fortunately proven true by a man. An unfortunate fellow that was trying to heave himself up onto Kasumi’s chest. My guess was that he had been hanging onto her bikini because he was caught when she emerged from the water.
“Kasumi,” I said, relishing my victory, “look on your breast. It’s already true. People are in this for their own benefit. So much that they are willing to take advantage of you to get it.” She looked down and saw the poor fellow. Kasumi didn’t freak out or do anything. She looked at him, speechless. The guy had stopped moving too. She frowned and picked him up between her thumb and index fingers. She dangled him over the ground.
“P-Please! I-I-I didn’t mean…” He tried. It had worked. I had convinced her. Kasumi squeezed him in between of her fingers, causing his body to literally explode from the pressure. Blood dripped off of her gigantic fingers. I had never seen Kasumi do anything like it, so it came as a bit of a shock to me.
“Ayane…” She said, looking indifferently at me.
“See, it is better that we do this.” I replied. Kasumi nodded. She still worried me. One too many deaths could knock her out of it. She was won over for now, but I would need to think for the long term. I didn’t care about that now though. I started out by walking through the city. I could walk through buildings now, and they would simply just crumble and fall. Police were pulling up around our feet, firing at us. The pistol shots were nothing more than an annoyance. Together, Kasumi and I killed all but one police officer, who I picked up.
“What should we do with him, sister?” Kasumi asked, looking at him intently.
“Hmm…I’ve always wondered what a person tastes like…” I said, thinking hard, “I guess this is my chance to find out.” I held him over my mouth and slowly lowered him between my top and bottom incisors. I listened to his pathetic screams for a last time and bit down. I distinctly felt the human split in half and the taste of blood. I shuddered and swallowed him quickly.
“Ugh, not so good, let’s just stick to regular killing.” I said, shaking my head. I looked in front of us to see a group of twenty soldiers and two tanks approaching us.
“Terrorists! Surrender now!” A man yelled.
“We’re bigger! You surrender first!” Kasumi retorted. I looked at her, surprised. Kasumi might really be getting into this. All the better for me. The group fired. They hurt a bit more than the pistols did, but nothing worth mentioning. The tanks, however, felt like bee stings used to feel like. Not wanting anymore pain like that, the two of us stomped on the group and killed them all quickly. The blood had gotten in between my toes, making them slide past each other as I wiggled them. The feeling was one to die for. I smiled; this was my chance to live all of my dreams unrivaled.

Chapter Eight:
“Report In”

Calvin and I were standing on Kokoro’s hand. Neither of us knew what to expect. Again, that wasn’t our fault though.
“Hi there!” Kokoro said, smiling. Calvin and I looked at one another.
“Um, what’s up?” Calvin asked. That was the only logical thing we could have said though.
“Nothing, thanks for asking though.”
“Oh, okay. See, me and him were wondering if you could like let us go because we need to get stuff done. And staying inside your cleavage isn’t really accomplishing a whole lot for us. Not saying it isn’t nice inside there, though.” He explained, calmly. He said that to Kokoro as if there was nothing unusual about it. Calvin was a really laid back guy, and, for once, I appreciated it.
Kokoro blushed. “And what is it that you have to do?”
“Well, we have to head back to base, and do army stuff. That’s pretty important in my book.”
“Army stuff? Ayane and Kasumi have probably already destroyed the American military. So you see that staying with me is probably the most enjoyable your lives can get from now on.” She laughed. That was the flag for the military to come in. Seeing as we had not seen them fight since World War Two, I had never really seen the new Japanese military in action. Damn, they were something impressive though. They came rolling in with tanks, soldiers that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, choppers, and artillery.
A man with a megaphone yelled something to Kokoro in Japanese, but I had absolutely no idea what he was saying.
“He’s saying they want her surrender.” Calvin translated. I had never known there was anyone fluent in Japanese in the squad. Kokoro yelled back a reply in Japanese.
“She says that this is her country and that makes them her military.”
The man laughed and shot back a reply. “He called her foolish and threatened her with death.”
“Idiots…” Kokoro whispered to herself. Kokoro dropped us as she stood up. We fell down into a tree that kept us from falling another twenty feet. We watched from the tree as Kokoro ran at them. The platoon fired on her. The soldiers realized they were having little impact and began firing while backpedaling. The vehicles, however, realized that they were more effective against her and stood their ground. She stepped on the tanks but was blown back by a blast from the artillery.
She fell back and held her shoulder where the blast had hit her. Although it was undamaged, she still felt some pain apparently. Enraged she jumped up into the air and fell down on the artillery. Kokoro allowed herself to fall to the ground, crushing the soldiers beneath her back. Kokoro stood up, allowing us to see the blood that was still dripping from her beautiful skin. Christie appeared by Kokoro in a few seconds following that and was scared, viewing the blood.
“Kokoro, you’re bleeding really badly! I…” Christie began, when Kokoro giggled.
“No, silly. I fell down on top of the guys.” She explained.
Christie shrugged. “Okay, well, let’s continue on.” With that, Christie walked off. Kokoro stayed behind, looking for us. Seeing that she lost us, she groaned and followed Christie. Calvin and I knew what we had to do, report into command and tell them what we had going here.
“Watch me, I’ll rewire this car’s radio.” I said. True to my word, I successfully turned the normal radio into a two-way radio. We tested it on our team’s band.
“This is Captain Bratton and First Sergeant Gray. Does anyone copy, over?” I asked. We waited a few minutes, nothing came.
“Damn, must not have worked. “ I said, sighing. Just then, a voice spoke over.
“Bratton! Where the fuck are you guys?” A man asked. I had never heard his voice before.
“We have GPS locaters embedded for that reason…” Calvin said, shaking his head.
“Watch your tone!”
“He wasn’t being smart. He’s right. Neither one of us knows where we are, but we are requesting pickup immediately.”
There was a pause. “Fine, be ready. Over and out.”

Chapter Nine:
“Trouble’s Epicenter”

“All right, listen up!” A man yelled, over the loud engine of the helicopter.
“Thank you. “ A Lieutenant Colonel said, “A lot of you know that these bitches are seemingly immune to weapons. But, they do appear to be affected by pain. Therefore, we are going to try hit them with so much pain that it kills them.”
“How do we do that, sir?” A lower ranking soldier asked, dangling his feet outside the chopper.
“Captain Bratton has been given a nuclear device and a detonator. Your mission is to run a quick recon through Miami and try to get civilians out. However, do not endanger yourselves. If they refuse to leave, let them stay. You will then plant the nuclear device and get the hell out. Detonate the bomb and let the hazardous environment teams take over.” As he finished the chopper landed on the ground, Ayane and Kasumi were distantly visible.
“All right, soldiers. Do this and do it right. Humanity is counting on you.” The Lieutenant Colonel said, saluting to us. We returned it and hopped out of the chopper. We yelled out across the streets that everyone needed to evacuate, but it was silent. There was no one there.
“Okay, we’ve done our check. Let’s take these girls out.” I ordered. We ran to where Ayane and Kasumi were still rampaging. We started walking slowly as not to draw attention. Kasumi jumped up very high in the sky and landed on the roof of a building taller than she was. She, of course, fell through it.
“Damn, she’s hot.” A guy in my squad whispered.
“Yeah, not bad. You should check out the work on the other two in Japan.” Calvin chuckled.
“Nice one, Kasumi.” Ayane laughed. I nodded to my team and told them to stay put. I snuck up behind Ayane and took the bomb out. I tore off the covering on the adhesive strips, planted it on her foot, armed the device and ran back into our cover inside the lobby of a nearby building.
“Good job, Captain.” My team said. I nodded.
“We’ve got a problem, sir. Our old route is blocked; we’re going to have to detour through a part they’ve hit already. Not really a problem, but it creates a longer walk.” A soldier said, showing me a map.
“Let’s hit the road then.” I said. We did just that and left the building immediately, casting looks behind us to make sure Ayane and Kasumi, who were thoroughly content with killing the few civilians remaining, hadn’t spotted us. We made it to the place the man had noted. I had seen a lot of death and bleeding in my line of work. It was part of the job, but I was sickened for the first time in a while. Two other men in my group vomited from the sight. People were decapitated and lying in huge pools of blood that rivaled some of our lakes. Buildings were completely reduced to rubble. It was especially bad near the craters Ayane and Kasumi had left from their feet.
“Sweet Jesus…” Calvin said in awe. We quickly made our way through the gory scene and reached our chopper. We all hopped on to see the anxious face of the Lieutenant Colonel.
“It’s done, sir. I’ve planted the device.” I said, saluting. He smiled and hit the back of the pilot’s chair.
“Take us up, boy! I want to see this myself!” He ordered. The pilot took off, and we flew very high in the sky. We could distantly see Ayane and Kasumi still destroying things without a care in the world. I flipped open the plastic cover over the detonation button. Nodding, I hit the button. There was a brief delay and then a sun shone from where Ayane and Kasumi were. It blinded us.

Chapter Ten:

I woke up to find the lower half of my body pulsating with pain. It hurt enough to make it annoying, so I just stayed still. That was all fine except for the fact that there was something else. It felt as if there were ants crawling all over my body. I was partially correct; however, they were humans, not ants. I was disgusted by this, knowing that I had been violated from these inferior beings. I remained motionless, trying to hear anything that could tell me what happened.
“Come on! I want those cables tied in fifteen. Who knows when they could wake up? It could be in five minutes so work like you mean it! None of you know how close to death you are!” A man yelled, angrily. I felt the cables he spoke of being lain and secured over my body. I was so tempted to get up like a zombie and kill them all. But I savored the moment, the stupid humans thinking they had gotten me and Kasumi. Speaking of Kasumi, I didn’t know if she would play along, so I hoped she would stay out.
It was a good twenty minutes before the cables were all secured. They felt like string.
“All right, let’s clean up! Our job is done.” The man said.
“Hey, sir. Can we get a few memorial shots?” A soldier joked.
“I’m leaving now. I don’t want to be killed if they get up. You damn idiot fools do whatever you want.” He said, his voice full of resent. Trucks began pulling away. I thought they would go with them. But it seemed as if the men really had stayed behind to do what they thought. I peeked out of my eye to see what they were doing. When I saw it, I was angry, more so than ever before. The soldiers were smoking and posing on my body. They thought I was some kind of prop. There was a cameraman there too.
“Come on, up here! Let’s get some good shots.” A man laughed. I felt the cold steel of a ladder being leaned up against my hip. A couple of minutes later, they were walking across my stomach.
“God damn it. Them things are huge. Probably didn’t assign girls because those would make any woman jealous.” A guy said, laughing. I struggled to keep from smiling.
“All right, you perverts. How do you want to do this?” The cameraman asked. I felt them climbing atop my right breast and laying down. I had never really let sexual feelings get to me, but this was sensational. I loved it, but hated it at the same time as they were using me. They spent the next few minutes around my chest.
“We done here? I think she’ll wake up soon.” The cameraman said, nervously.
”Just a few more, pussy. Up here!” The guy yelled. They went around my breasts and walked up to my face. The soldiers were bold; I couldn’t deny them that. They were trying to pry my lips open. Wanting to see what they were going to do, I opened them enough to allow passage. They somehow managed to pull my tongue out enough to get it out of my mouth. I again peeked to see them standing on my tongue, leaning against my lip and posing.
“Shit, you guys are brave. Or you got a death wish…”
“Ah, fuck you. You getting these? Christ, we’re gonna be huge.”
“Yeah, man. You better be getting these pictures. They’ll sell for millions after this bitch is dead.”
“Yeah, they’re pretty nice shots.” The cameraman said.
“Well, this is up to you. Should we get some shots of the land down under?” He asked, laughing.
“Shit man, that’s taking it too far. Let’s just leave while we’re still alive.”
“Yeah, the truck’s down below. I have to recharge my camera anyway.” The cameraman said. They began walking off of my body, and they went down the ladder. Acting as if it was an action in my sleep, I allowed my hand to fall right on top of their truck, crushing it beneath the weight.
“Oh, fuck! Look at this shit! What are we supposed to do now?” A soldier yelled.
“Man, we got to hike back to base. That’s fucking eight miles away!”
“You fucking bitch! I hope you die miserably for this.” The soldier yelled out of frustration. He began kicking me as hard as he could. I had to struggle to feel it at all. I knew that now would be the time to make them sorry. I was going to love this. I pretended to just be waking up. They stayed completely still as I sat up, my body ripping through the cables like wet paper. I stretched a little bit.
“Hey there, guys. What are you up to?” I asked, smiling.
“J-Just taking some pictures, ma’am!” The cameraman screamed, scared shitless.
“Hmm…you look like a professional photographer. Let me see them.” I said. I scooped them up in my hand and brought them to my face level.
“I don’t t-t-think you’d be interested in our photography…” A man said, scared.
“Nonsense! I love pictures! Let me see them!” I said, laughing. He nodded, and elbowed the photographer. Luckily for me, it was a rather large camera so it had a large enough screen so I didn’t have to look too hard, although I had to practically put my eye next to it. All of the pictures of when they were posing on my body popped up.
“You boys today,” I giggled, “if you wanted to see my boobies, all you had to do was ask!” I laughed and shoved the men inside my cleavage. They squirmed around like little bugs. It was nothing short of ecstasy. That feels pretty cool, I thought with a grin, I want to have moments like this all the time!

Chapter Ten:
“Paradise Lost”

“Have another one! You guys can have as much as you want! You did it! You beat them! There’s a team en route to Christie and Kokoro so we don’t have to worry! The war’s over, we won!” The bartender back at Fort Knox said. I had been drinking all night, and it was really starting to get me. I did feel good though. The war was over, and Calvin and I were the ones to do it. Ayane and Kasumi were being hauled away into the ocean right now. They were strapped to platinum plates and held down by titanium ties. They would drop them down into the bottom of the ocean where they would drown. Life was good. I could now call myself a hero, get the medal, retire early, and live respectably for some time. I started on another beer when a man walked into the room and tapped me on the shoulder. If I had been in a better state of mind, I would have noticed that the man was the Lieutenant Colonel.
“Son, get some sleep. It didn’t work.” He said to me. Even though we were drunk, it sunk in. My plan hadn’t work.
“What do you mean it didn’t work?” I asked, standing up.
“Exactly what I say! They’re still alive. We can’t hold them down!”
I got up, still in my drunken stupor. “What the hell are we supposed to do now?”
“That’s the point boys! The most we can do apparently is put them down for thirty minutes or so.”
“That still didn’t answer the question! What are we going to do? If we can’t stop them, what the fuck is the point of fighting anymore? Surrender is the only we can go on without more killing!” Calvin yelled, slamming his hands on the table.
“Yeah! Let’s get out of here while we still can!” A man said. A few other soldiers agreed and began walking out.
“Stand your ground!” He ordered.
“There’s no more America, sir. Meaning no more military. Meaning you have no authority over me.” He said, walking up to him. It was the truth. They walked out, got into an army jeep, and drove off. Another soldier walked in and saluted to the Lieutenant Colonel.
“Sir, latest intelligence shows that Japan has fallen and their government has withdrawn. Many other third-world countries have also admitted defeat.” He said.
“So, what are we looking at?”
“There’s the four girls against the rest of the planet. The only countries that have not surrendered include us, China, Britain, Germany, and a few militant Islamic countries.”
“What are the other countries doing then?”
“They seem to be fortifying last I heard, but that information is old.”
I thought for a second. They girls had emerged from an underwater facility. Maybe there was something or someone who could help.
“Sir, requesting permission to take a helicopter.” I asked.
“For what purpose?”
“I am going to scan the point of origin to see if I can locate some kind of information that may aid us.”
He looked at me. “All right, but only because I’m desperate for anything that helps.”
“Sir!” I saluted, exiting to the helicopter. I picked up some ammunition and a new knife on the way out. I was going to find that information or die trying.

Chapter Eleven:

Kasumi and I have never been closer. I, for the first time in my entire life, was able to put aside our differences and work together in harmony. I started to appreciate her. I’ve loved every minute that we’ve been able to wreak havoc upon the world. They deserved it all too. To justify that, I quoted the men from before. I told Kasumi about it, making her a little bit more under my influence. We have been moving through Miami and were making it across the United States. We were now tearing through upper Georgia, near the Tennessee boarder. People have gotten scarce, to my dislike. They’ve been scattered, but there wasn’t really masses of them anymore.
“Found one!” Kasumi shouted, picking a guy up.
“Damn you. You’re good.” I laughed as Kasumi watched the man scream as he dangled over the ground. Kasumi opened up her top and shoved the man inside, along with the hundreds of others she had gotten. We were so bored that we had started a game. Before I became a goddess, I might have thought it was sick. We had started a race to see who could get the most guys inside of our swimsuits. Kasumi was leading me by thirteen or so. The hard part about it was that humans squirmed so much. It was hard to concentrate while you were being tickled constantly.
I put my foot through a building to find twelve other people, running out of it. Being the opportunistic girl that I was, I picked them up.
“Plus twelve for me! I’ll catch up to you yet!” I said, smiling. Kasumi playfully pretended to look competitive. I thrust them into my cleavage along with the others. I heard something coming towards me. I spun around to see a helicopter flying past us. I chased after it, leaving Kasumi behind. In no time, I caught up to it and grabbed it out of the sky. I shook it carefully.
“Come out of there quick. You’re costing me time!” I said, looking for people. A single man emerged, sporting a black military gear I had seen before. I looked at him closer.
“You…you were one of those guys that shot at us.” I said, as it came to me.
“Hey, listen! I can help you! Tell me what you know about how you grew, and I’ll get rid of Christie and Kokoro for you!” He said, quickly.
“Think you’re clever, huh? I’m not stupid. Why don’t you spend a little time with a couple of your human friends?”
“No, listen, we can work this out, Ayane. Just help me!”
“Help you defeat me? In your dreams…” I replied, grinning. I was just about to drop him into the right side of my swimsuit when I realized I was still holding his chopper.
“You go ahead in there, little man. I’ll take good care of your helicopter.” I grinned. With that, I put him inside with the other people. It felt so good being in control as I was. I wanted more people, tons of people.
“Count one more for me!” I said.
“Good job, Ayane-chan!” Kasumi said. She turned back to her work of finding people when I thought about what the guy said. I wasn’t going to help him, but maybe there was something to help me. Maybe I could find a way to enhance my growth so that I could grow taller than any of them. The drive of power told me that’s exactly what I should do.
“Kasumi, this guy told me there’s a city down in Florida that we may have missed. You continue ahead, and we’ll meet up later, okay?” I said to Kasumi. She nodded. I ran off towards the coast, dropping the helicopter. Next stop was a power drive that would lead me to be the perfect living thing ever to walk the face of the planet.

Chapter Twelve:
“A Ride to the Start”

I sighed as I was cramped in a girl’s swimsuit once again. This was my second ride of the week on a giantess. I couldn’t say I had higher hopes for this one as I did the last one.
“Kasumi, this guy told me there’s a city down in Florida that we may have missed. You continue ahead, and we’ll meet up later, okay?” Ayane said to Kasumi. I hadn’t said anything like that, but I was interested in that. It got me closer to my goal. She began running, causing her breasts to bounce as she strode across the land. I tried gripping onto her skin to prevent myself from falling down. I didn’t know I would live from the fall, although it was certainly the interesting place to leave your dead body. I remembered my knife. I stabbed through the swimsuit with the blade and held onto the knife. It was still a struggle, but it gave me a chance at least. Twelve minutes later, I was scared. I didn’t know how much longer she would be running or how much longer I could hold on.
Suddenly, I felt gravity almost reverse on me. A split second later, water rushed into her suit, and I heard her swimming. It took them a while to reach America, so I worked on getting to air. I used the knife to stab through her swimsuit and hoist myself up towards her shoulders. I made it and hoisted myself onto her shoulder.
Wasting no time, I grabbed a hold on a piece of her purple hair and climbed up onto the top of her head. I was safe for now. Ten minutes later, she reached the island, still in disarray from their initial crusade. Ayane put her hand inside of her swimsuit and fished around by her breasts for a while, pulling out people that hadn’t fallen out during her swim. She threw them into the ocean.
“Humans are so nasty when they’re wet.” She commented to herself. She began searching around the island for the Zack of All Trades. She eventually spotted it and dove into the water. It took me with her, but I swam back up to the surface, only going two or three feet under. I quickly swam back to shore and looked for somewhere to go. There was a ruined hotel on top of the hill. It was a nice one that wasn’t too damaged so I headed up there. I cast a look back, making sure Ayane wasn’t coming up, and ran up inside of the hotel. The lobby was furnished for royalty it seemed. However, there was no one occupying it. At least, that’s what I had thought.
“Hey! It’s a person! From the outside! Come over here!” A female voice yelled. I looked around, perplexed. Girls dressed in beachwear ran downstairs almost sprinting. Five of them stood in front of me, smiling.
“Have you come to save us?” One of them asked.
“Maybe…I need information.” I said.
“About what?”
“About this growth four individuals from this island underwent.”
The girls looked at each other, confused, when one with black hair stepped forth. “What do you want to know?”
“Leifang? You know about it?” A blonde-haired woman asked.
“Not entirely, but a little bit, yeah.”
“I need as much as you can tell me. The United States is desperate for help.” I inquired, wondering in my mind how a teenage girl could possibly help me.
“Well, I noticed two girls, Christie and Kokoro, that seemed to be suspicious. You know, doing the whole whispering to each other and then stopping when they saw you. I got curious and decided to follow them around after a match one day. They took some gear from a shop and dove underwater. I followed them into some kind of underwater lab. I hid and listened to them talking about some kind of growth formula. I didn’t stay to listen to more and got back to my hotel as fast as I could. I fell asleep quickly and woke up the next day. I dismissed it as a dream and for good reason. But now that you bring it up…and with all that’s happened…I realize…that it was just me…” Leifang explained, looking at the ground.
“Ayane has come to this island again. She is secretly looking for a way to enhance the formula’s effects.”
“You mean she wants to grow even more?”
“That’s what it seems. I need a reversal or somewhere to start.”
“Well, you could try checking the underwater lab, but I think it was destroyed. There’s some scuba gear in the back if you need to check out the ruins.”
“That’ll do, thanks.” I replied, walking into the back to get my gear.

Chapter Thirteen:
“Among the Wreckage”

I waited for Ayane to leave the ruins empty-handed before I dove down. It wasn’t hard to find the lab; there was a huge hole in the sea floor with metal everywhere. I swam down into the lab and began looking at all the destroyed equipment. Seeing as it was all destroyed, I doubted I would find anything. I kept going farther and farther into it before I reached a small lockbox, protected by a plastic box. I took this item and swam back to the surface. I couldn’t even wait to take my gear off. As soon as I reached the beach, I sat down and broke the plastic. I found a few documents which I read to myself. Most of them were just how to build it, but I still kept them. The last one was a heartbreaker. It told about Christie and how she originally acquired it. The poor sap that actually invented it was dead. Ordered by the United States dead, how ironic. It seemed to me to be a hopeless fight.
“What do you have there?” A voice asked me from above. I looked away from the paper to see a huge shadow cast over me. That could only mean one thing. Christie was standing behind me, looking down upon me with a smile. I didn’t answer but continued sitting. After all I’ve seen of them, it still was scary looking at something so tall.
“I asked what you had there.”
“Just a few papers. N-Nothing you’d be interested in.” I said.
She smiled and laughed. “Secretive, huh? I want to know how you got here then.”
I saw no reason not to tell her the truth. “I got here via Ayane.”
“Ayane? Where’d she put you? In her cleavage?”
I looked at the ground, knowing she was joking. “Um, actually, yeah…”
“Figures. What a stupid girl. I have my suspicions about what Ayane was doing here, but I don’t know if they are true. Was she really here looking for more power?” She asked me. I could find a way out of this situation. I could try bargaining with her, although I only half convinced myself it would work.
“If you promise to let me go, I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
She laughed. “What does it matter? If I accept, I can kill you anyhow, no harm done. And why bother? You can either tell me, or explain to the bottom of my foot. Your choice.”
“Okay, yes, you are right.”
“Ha! How ironic. I’ve had what she’s looking for all along.” Christie said, smiling and shaking her head. I didn’t know what she meant. How would it have been possible for her to have just transported a formula around all of this time.
“What do you mean? How could you…” I started, very confused.
“That formula we’ve used converts all material entering the body into pure energy. It then trains the body to use energy to satisfy its needs. It can also allow it to manipulate it to benefit the user. After it has done that, it supplies energy to grow to three hundred feet.”
“What do you mean by manipulating?”
“It’s a broad term, but there’s not really a better one. It can allow for a myriad of different things. For example, say I get tired of wearing my bikini. I can change it like this.” She said. Christie waved her hand around and touched her body. The white bikini was replaced by a half red with black stripes and half straight black bikini. I saw and sort of understood what she meant. I didn’t want to press farther so I moved on.
“How does the formula enable you to get more power from stuff that you consume?”
“Easy. Anything that enters the body, like, say, a city, is converted into energy and is used to grow and become more powerful. Depending on the material and amount, the energy will enter into the body and supply a growth spree that varies.”
“Why haven’t you grown before this?”
“This has been a test run. I’m sure you can understand wanting to test this out and make sure there are no errors before moving onto the main event. That reminds me. I have to get moving. The show is about to begin.” Christie said, turning around and walking into the water. She turned around when only her face was showing.
“Andrew, this is where I leave you. Once we have dealt with a problem, we will be back for you. Get your priorities in line now, because we have yet to get started with population management.”
“Wait!” I called. Something told me that I wasn’t finished with her, but I had nothing else to ask.
“What? Do you want to come to the show? To see your precious Ayane die?”
“She’s not precious…” I said.
“I guess I could give you a ride.” She said, a small smile taking shape. She reached out of the water and grabbed me. I left the lockbox on the shore by accident. It didn’t matter that much. I could come back to get it later. She placed me on the top of her head.
“Hang on, then. It would be a shame if you were to fall off in the middle of the ocean.” She laughed. I was riding on a girl that swore she would kill me. It sounded like the most retarded thing in the world. It probably was. But being stuck on the island waiting for her to kill me was far worse.

Chapter Fourteen:
“As the Horizon Darkens”

Christie finally hit land and took me off of her head, placing me, surprisingly, gently on the ground. She shook some of the water off of her, although her skin was still shining in the setting sun. Kokoro was there too.
“Christie, are you ready?” Kokoro asked her.
“Of course. Let us begin; there is quite a time schedule to keep.” Christie replied. Kokoro turned to go into the city.
“Whatever you do from here on, Andrew, is completely up to you. This is the climax of the world’s history. Nothing humanity has ever done will rival this. Humanity, while we’re on the subject, has been unrivaled by any other organism. Nothing has been able to surpass their intellect and ideas. That was until we came along. Andrew, we are humanity’s competition. You might want to start thinking about the future. It’s about to hit you hard.” Christie said, looking from me to the sky.
“Christie, who are you talking to?” Kokoro asked, looking around her, trying to see me.
“Oh, just a friend of mine I met on the island. Andrew, introduce yourself to Miss Kokoro.”
I waved, very reluctantly. Miss Kokoro lost me a while back, chances were that she wouldn’t be happy to see me.
“Hey! You’re that guy who was with me back in Japan!” She realized, looking at me.
“You had someone with you in Japan?” Christie asked.
“Um, a follower or two, yes.” She giggled.
“Very well then. Andrew, this is where we bid you farewell until the inevitable future. I ask you not to disturb us.” Christie said, wagging her finger at me. Together, Christie and Kokoro walked side-by-side to a densely structured portion of town. They smiled to each other maliciously. What would transpire of this, I could only fathom. What I did know is that they were going to grow and I needed to be gone. If they couldn’t be hurt by me, something needed to be done. The only thing I knew that could rival a giantess like Christie was another giantess like Ayane or Kasumi.
I was about to start walking when I realized they were a state or two away. I was quick to locate a car on the side of a street. The windows were cracked and the frame was dented, but it was drivable. There was a corpse next to it, holding a set of keys. I took them and started it up. From there, I drove past Christie and Kokoro, who were already starting on their eating fest.
It was a long eight hours, going at top speed and maneuvering before I finally reached Ayane and Kasumi, still pissing around with people. I, against my better judgment, stopped the car, got out, and ran at them.
“Ayane! Kasumi! Listen to me! Down here!” I yelled as loud as I could. They stopped and actually acknowledged me. The two of them stood close to me, looking down with amused expressions. Ayane picked me up and placed me in the palm of her hand. She held it out so both her and Kasumi could see me.
“So, you survived a trip with me? Impressive. Were you hiding with my friends the entire ride back too?” Ayane asked me, grinning and motioning to her chest.
“Please! Listen! I have to tell you about Christie and Kokoro!” I said, frantically. They smiled at each other, placed me on top of a building, and stood around it.
“Let’s have some fun, shall we? What kind of games would you like to play?”
“The kind where you listen to me! I have to tell you…”
“Why don’t you have a talk with Kasumi’s boobs? I’m sure they’ll listen to you all you want!” Ayane asked me, laughing. She caressed Kasumi’s chest, causing Kasumi to giggle and wave her away.
“Come on now! Let’s start now!” Ayane said, reaching for me. I rolled out of the way.
“Listen!” I pleaded. Again, she reached for me, but I dodged that as well. She went to reach again, but she was ahead of me. She faked left so I rolled. She then went right and took me in her fist after that mistake. Ayane put me to face level.
“Naughty, naughty boy. I’m going to have to kill you now!” She said, smiling. It was too late. Quakes vibrated through the ground. So great that I could feel them through Ayane.
“Ayane-chan? What’s happening?” Kasumi asked, looking around her. It was too late. Christie and Kokoro approached Kasumi and Ayane. Only they were at least one hundred feet taller than Kasumi and Ayane. And for the first time in quite a while, it was quiet.

Chapter Fifteen:
“Last Stand”

“Ayane and Kasumi. We meet again.” Christie said, walking forward with Kokoro. They crushed buildings like they were nothing.
“Christie, you’re huge…” Ayane said to herself, backing up.
“Oh, no. Stay where you are. We are going to end this now! There’s nowhere any of you will be running to.”
“How’d…you’re…so big…” Kasumi said, groping for the words to convey the fact that Christie and Kokoro were bigger than them.
“Wouldn’t you like to know? If you actually worked on it, you would know, thieves!” Kokoro said, looking down upon them.
“From here, I will give you two options. Surrender now or fight now! Don’t waste my time further.” Christie said. Ayane put me down on my building again and assumed her fighting stance. Kasumi looked over at her sister and did the same.
“Kokoro, stand back! Allow me to demonstrate the full power of work!” Christie ordered. Kokoro did as she was told. Ayane and Kasumi were confused but stood their ground.
“Go ahead, attack me!” Christie taunted. Ayane and Kasumi charged her at the same time. Their kicks and punches did little more than just bounce off of her, though. Christie delivered a sort of hand spike to Ayane, causing her to fly back through two buildings. She picked Kasumi up with one hand. It was an amazing feat to observe. It seemed impossible to lift her, but Christie was able to accomplish this effortlessly. She then threw Kasumi on top of Ayane. The two sisters tried again. Christie jumped up and kicked them both at the same time. They were launched some one hundred feet away.
Kasumi and Ayane stayed on the ground, panting.
“She’s…too strong…” Kasumi said.
“Come on!” Ayane said, pulling Kasumi up. They attempted to run, but Kokoro and Christie caught up quickly, pulled them by their necks, and threw them on the ground close to me. Kokoro and Christie both pinned them to the ground using one foot.
“Well, girls. Tell me, was it worth this?” Christie asked, laughing.
“You can’t kill us! We’re invincible.” Ayane replied, glaring up at her.
“Uh-huh. Sure, keep telling yourself that!”
“You can’t kill us! Not like this! Nothing can harm us in this form. You said it yourself!”
“Oh, you listened to more of my conversation than I thought. I did say that. You are immune in your current form, but, what if I was to take it away from you. Kokoro, let’s do it!” Christie said. Kokoro and Christie both bit into Kasumi and Ayane’s necks at the same time. I didn’t know what was going on. Had they turned into vampires? Kasumi and Ayane seemed to be asleep. Christie and Kokoro had closed their eyes and looked like they were enjoying whatever they were doing. I wanted to intervene, but I didn’t want to risk whatever might happen to me. I kept watching them until I realized what they were doing. Ayane and Kasumi were getting smaller, so I assumed they were draining their energy. It was an odd way, but whatever worked. Christie and Kokoro let go whenever they looked like they were their normal size. Christie and Kokoro seemed to have grown fifty feet each.
“Ah, so refreshing.” Christie commented, laughing.
“What do we do with the trash?” Kokoro asked.
“What you do with all trash. Dispose of it!” She said. I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t have any reasoning behind me. But military discipline told me to save innocents and seeing Ayane and Kasumi like this made them look almost normal. Besides, if I saved them, they might help me defeat Christie and Kokoro in the long run. I jumped off of the building and onto a tree which I slid down the ground. Ignoring minor pains, I darted at them and yelled, “Stop!” Christie and Kokoro eyed me, still smiling ear to ear.

Chapter Sixteen:

“Andrew! I’m surprised to see you here! I thought Ayane and Kasumi might have been hovering over an attractive man, but it is you. Tell me, why did you come here?” Christie said.
“I’m here…to defeat you!” I said. There was no reason to lie anymore. I had nothing to lose.
“To defeat me?” Christie asked, holding back apparent laughter. She turned to Kokoro.
“He’s going to defeat me! Him!” Christie laughed, “You saw the battle with Kasumi and Ayane. Unless you’ve got more power than they did, you’re out of luck.”
“I will persevere!”
“How about you just give this up? I like you a little. Don’t be an idiot and get yourself killed. Surrender to me and become my personal servant. Believe me, it’ll be easier.”
I couldn’t take it. Just looking up at her and watching her laugh at me was enough to drive anyone insane. It did with me. I pulled out my pistol and fired at her until my clip was gone.
“Those hurt even less now!” Christie said. Kasumi and Ayane woke up, looking at Christie and Kokoro. They attempted to run but Kokoro stopped them with her hand.
“Kill them!” Christie ordered. I ran to stop her, but Christie stopped me similarly. Kokoro lifted up her massive leg and slammed it down on the ground right where Kasumi and Ayane stood. The shockwave knocked three or four buildings down. Kokoro look into the crater where she had put her foot. It was deep and bloody. There was no way they survived.
“And now onto the finale. Mr. Andrew. I will ask again for your surrender. Do not make a foolish choice.” Christie said, picking me up and dangling me over the city. It was all so far down.
“I…will never bow to you.” I said, scared. There was nothing I could do. I knew it. I was just a person. My military training had been for naught. I had never been taught to deal with this. There wasn’t anything to do.
“Stupid,” Christie said, shaking her head, “I can’t believe you. But, as I said, let’s get on with it. Kokoro, open your mouth.” Kokoro smiled and nodded. Christie looked at me in her hand and blew me a kiss. She then placed me right on Kokoro’s bottom molar. Christie kept her finger there until Kokoro closed her teeth enough to prevent my escape. Saliva dripped down from her huge teeth. It was all over.
“Any last words?” Christie asked me.
I looked back at her, close to tears. It wasn’t fair that I would end this way. I had done nothing to deserve this. “None.”
“Do it.” Christie said, watching Kokoro intently. I saw Kokoro’s top row of teeth raise. They came down on me. The end was not quick. I had been mauled and stabbed. Now, I was lying on her tongue, bleeding to death. I cried for the first time in probably twenty years. The fact that I could not save anyone. This was all useless. I lost my consciousness. And the last thing that I ever knew was falling down her throat. Her infinitely long throat.

Chapter Seventeen:
“A New Order”

“Fucking hell. I hate work.” I muttered to myself as I got out of bed. I threw on my suit, with the ID embedded on it. My name is Trent Rullman, and I work for Christie. I’m, as my job description says, a human relations manager. Christie and Kokoro say that we will listen and relay that to them. But it’s all lies. We do little more than listen to people bitch and forget about it. I walked out of my house and looked up at the sky. An orange flag was waving as the summer wind blew it around. A flag that had Kokoro and Christie’s portraits on it.
A long time ago, I can vaguely remember freedom and liberty. Some of the greatest values in the world died out with the admittance of these girls. I’ve only heard second-hand information, but I am told that there was a man by the name of Andrew Bratton who worked diligently to fight them off. From the looks of things, it hadn’t worked too well. It was honorable though. Christie and Kokoro have scared us all into a sort of dictatorship. They rule over everything, and if they don’t agree with it, it doesn’t happen. The penalty is death. You can’t put a foot out of line. People are so scared that they’ll report you in a heartbeat. Crime is rock bottom. It’s almost a memory. Still, I can’t help but want to try to kill them, to try and win back our old values.
In front of me, Christie’s foot crunches into the ground and lifts up again, as she makes her usual patrol. She can see everything from her eight hundred foot vantage point. I slapped myself. That was a stupid thought. Suicide. To think I could even make a difference is laughable.
“Yes,” I said to myself, shaking my head, “humanity has indeed been changed forever.” The cycle, that well-oiled machine, is going to keep going. And it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it’d take a damn big wrench to stop it.