Mile-High Dream 8: Skyward Giantesses

(Cubed Cinder)

Link stopped and took a deep breath. Only a few weeks ago, Link was responsible for defeating Ghirahim and Demon King Demise, freeing both Skyloft and the surface world from a potential reign of terror. Despite Demise’s threat that he would haunt the successors of both Link and Zelda until the end of time, Link did not let that thought bother him, not when he looked around and saw his friends formerly from Skyloft either running around or getting settled.
For even though most of the citizens of Skyloft initially chose to stay in the land far above the clouds, eventually they too couldn’t resist the temptation to see what was so different about the Surface. While most of these people weren’t quite ready to make their residence permanent, they seemed to like what they were seeing, especially of the village that was starting to come together. This became evident to Link when he saw Horwell and Eagus, both he knew from the Knight Academy, approach him.
“There you are, Link. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Horwell said.
“I must say, these people seem to be taking to this part of the world quite well.” Eagus said.
“It would seem so, Master Eagus. Master Horwell.” Link said.
“Please, my boy. You saved our world with your mighty skills and that mighty sword of yours! Your pedigree has increased to the point where we are equal to you.” Horwell said.
"Really, I don't know if I could ever get used to that." Link said. Horwell could easily sense the modesty in Link's face.
"In the end, it does not matter what we call you or what you call us. We are all brothers now serving under the mighty Triforce." Horwell said as he looked up at the shining trifecta of golden triangles that served a powerful purpose which would continue long after everyone on the surface has passed on.
"By the way, where has Zelda gone to?" Eagus asked.
"She went to the mountains to find some flowers. Don’t worry, I think her father went with her.” Link said.
“Hmmm... y’know, just between the three of us, it wouldn’t surprise me if Master Gaepora still gave her a hard time despite being a descendant of Hylia.” Eagus said.
“Careful, Eagus. We must not disrespect the master in any way.” Horwell said.
“Right, sorry. So Link, up for some sparring?” Eagus asked.
“Later. I promised Luv and Bertie I would try out a new potion they’re working on.” Link said.
“Ah, yes, of course. Can’t make Luv mad, can we?” Eagus said, and all three men nodded.
“Well, stay safe, Link. We’re gonna go help some of the villagers with their moving.” Horwell said. The three men finally broke apart from their huddle and went their separate ways. Link made his way over to the hut where Luv and Bertie were setting up shop.

Unknown to Link, while the aforementioned conversation was happening, Bertie was busy putting the finishing touches on the so-called ‘diet potion,’ a potion that supposedly encouraged the body to lose weight without much effort. Whether that was even humanly possible or not, Bertie didn’t argue because... well, he would always lose the arguing anyway.
Near the big container where Bertie was mixing the potion was a shelf holding a strange looking mushroom. It had a purple cap with pink colored spots, and perhaps most unusually was the mean-looking eyes on the front. When customers ask about the mushroom, they claim it’s something they found while exploring the Surface for potion ingredients and that it’s just for display for now.
With Bertie busy mixing the potion and also keeping his baby girl comfortable on his back, he didn’t see an angry Luv coming up behind him.
“HEY STUPID!!!” Luv shouted. This naturally scared Bertie and he clipped the nearby mushroom shelf with his mixer, causing the mushroom, unknowingly to both, to fall into the pot.
“Uh... um... uh... yes, dear?” Bertie asked.
“You were supposed to put the life potions on this shelf and the magic potions on the other shelf! How many times do I have to (bleep) remind you!?” Luv shouted.
“S-s-s-s-sorry, dear. I’ve just been busy finishing up this diet potion you asked me to make and...” Bertie said.
“Oh, whatever! Just hurry up and finish that diet potion!” Luv said.
“Oh! As a matter of fact, it is ready for consumption!” Bertie said as he pulled out an empty bottle and dipped the potion (using the mixer) into the container.
“Ah, beautifully crafted. I know Link will like this for sure! Now hurry up with fixing those shelves! Especially that crooked one...” Luv said as she pointed over to the shelf where the poison mushroom once sat. Surprisingly, neither seemed to notice the shelf once belonged to said mushroom.
“Right away, lovie Luv...” Bertie said as he sighed and got on with his next task.

Moments later, Luv put a smile on her face when she saw Link in his familiar green tunic.
“Ah, there he is! My favorite customer!” Luv shouted.
“Hello, Luv. The usual potions today since I’m checking out more of the Surface.” Link said.
“Yes, of course! LIFE AND MAGIC POTIONS, BERTIE!!!!” Luv shouted.
“Yes, d-d-d-d-dear!” Bertie said. Link couldn’t help but giggle over the poor man’s treatment by his wife. He once tried to talk some sense to Luv back when they all lived in Skyloft, but that ended with Link losing 19 out of his 20 hearts. While the two waited for Link’s order to be gathered, Luv took the opportunity to pitch the ‘diet potion’ to Link.
“So, Link, may I also interest you in our newest creation?” Luv said as she flashed the bottle of purple-colored potion to Link. Naturally, seeing an odd color for a potion made him feel a little uneasy.
“Ummm... what exactly am I looking at?” Link asked.
“My super deluxe, and one of a kind, diet potion! One swig of this and your metabolism will work like there’s no tomorrow! You can lose weight without even lifting a finger!” Luv said.
“Okay... what exactly is in it?” Link said.
“What do you mean what’s in it!? The Luv & Bertie special treatment that make all my potions hot sellers!” Luv said. Link still had an uneasy look on his face, and Luv could sense it too.
“Alright, sweetums. I tell you what. You can have this bottle as my free gift to you. Then you come back the next day, tell me you love it, and buy more! Simple as that!” Luv said as she took one of Link’s hands and dropped the bottle of ‘diet potion’ into it. At the same time, Bertie came out with two red life potion bottles and two green magic potion bottles.
“Alright, Luv. Whatever you say. You have a good day.” Link said as he paid the usual amount of rupees for the other potions.
“And you do the same, hero!” Luv said as she waved Link off, who waved back before turning around and leaving the shop.

As soon as he exited the shop and walked to the side of the building to hide from the crowd temporarily, he once again set his sights on the weird looking diet potion that he was forced to take out of Luv’s hands. He still wasn’t sure if he wanted to taste it or not, but ultimately decided to do just that being a good friend of Luv.
“Well, I am basically sponsoring this potion for the time being. Might as well try it out now before I set out.” Link said. He opened up the bottle and drank the entire contents of the bottle, much like he would do his other potions. It didn’t take more than a few seconds for the effects of the potion to kick in.

And as Link would quickly find out, it was in more ways than one.
“What... what the!?” Link shouted as he watched not only his tunic, but also his gloves, boots, and hat seemingly becoming heavier. He assumed he had lost weight very quickly, but he also noticed he seemed to be sinking into the ground, as if he were standing in quicksand.
“I’m shrinking!!” Link deduced as he tried to fight off his quickly enlarging hat, but it succeeded in covering him up. Link continued to shrink and shrink and his green tunic covered more and more ground from his vision. Curiously, the rest of his outfit, his Skyloft clothing let’s call it for simplicity’s sake, shrunk with him, which was the only sigh of relief that Link was breathing for the time being.
Finally his shrinking stopped, and Link was reduced to somewhere between 1 and 2 inches tall. To put it simply, he was very tiny. Link fought his way out of his giant green hat and tunic before he finally was able to see daylight again. Everything looked huge... even some of the blades of grass.
“Oh boy...” Link said as he looked around at the much bigger world around him. It didn’t make him feel any better when he saw gigantic children running around chasing each other, and he knew he was small enough to not only not be seen by the kids, but crushed by them as well. He shuddered at that thought, especially as the kids’ footsteps sounded like booms of thunder from his perspective.
“(sigh) I’ll have to tell Luv if I survive this... too much diet in that potion. I guess I’ll have to date sprites from now on.” Link said to himself.

The young man then decided that he needed to somehow get back up into Skyloft, as perhaps he could find a way to return to normal from up there. How he was going to do that wasn’t clear to him yet, but he knew staying where he was at wasn’t going to get him anywhere, so he finally started walking, shifting his way through the tall blades of grass while leaving behind his familiar green tunic. It felt strange being back in his normal clothing, but it was better than nothing at all, he thought to himself. To make matters worse, some of the taller blades made it tough to see what laid beyond the horizon... like two more oversized kids running towards his path.
“Tag, you’re it!” the girl shouted to the boy.
“Aaaaaah!!!” Link shouted as he ducked and took cover. Fortunately, the kids turned to the right at the last moment, sparring Link from a most gruesome death. But he couldn’t catch his breath for long. He looked way up as someone much older (and therefore much bigger) stopped not far from where he stood. Link couldn’t make out the face of this person until he recognized the female voice.
“Whew! Those kids... so much energy these days.” Karane said. Indeed, it was a fellow student at the Knight Academy. Link felt it was most fortunate that she was down on the Surface. He first tried calling up to her.
“Karane! Karane! KARANE!!!” Link shouted. Of course, it didn’t do any good, and Link knew it too. He was simply too small to interact with the giantess, let alone be seen by her. For all he knew, he could be easily mistaken for a mosquito if he tried to talk with her.
“I still have to somehow get her attention. She may be my only hope.” Link said. He made a bold leap onto the edge of one of Karane’s boots and climbed up on top of it, and right on time too, for Karane was starting to move around again, and Link was left to hold on for dear life.
“Whoa, whoa!! And I thought the Loftwings were fast!” Link shouted.

He tried with all his might, but ultimately it was too much for Link to handle, and when Karane made a sudden stop in front of another person, Link went flying off and landed at the toes of this other person.
“Ugh... what a ride.” Link said as he tried to shake off the cobwebs. Meanwhile, he looked up and listened to Karane talking to another woman judging by the other voice.
“Good day, madame. Anything I can help you with?” Karane asked.
“Oh, hello. I just got here to the Surface from Ocarin.” the woman said.
“Ocarin? One of the other sky kingdoms? No wonder I didn’t recognize your face from before. What is your name?” Karane said.
“Cucco Lady.” the woman said.
“Huh? Cucco Lady?” Karane said.
“What? No, NO!!! Oh, I’m sorry. That’s the nickname my friends have given me. My real name is Anju.” Anju, the woman, said.
“Ah, yes. I think I like Anju better. But why the nickname Cucco Lady?” Karane asked.
“Well, I’m known for raising these beautiful bird creatures called Cuccos. You’ve probably never heard of them since they’ve never traveled farther than Ocarin.” Anju said.
“Hmmm... that would be an affirmative, madame. So where are these Cuccos?” Karane asked.
“Oh, they’re still flying down from the sky. My husband, Kafei, is taking care of that. He asked me to go ahead and find a place for us to live. I’m so excited to be down here on the Surface... I hear there are many nutrients for the Cuccos to grow healthy and strong!” Anju said.
“Well, glad to have you here, Anju. I think I know a good place for you and your Cuccos. Follow me!” Karane said.
“Oh, thank you! You’ve been very helpful!” Anju said as she walked behind the other girl.

Link, meanwhile, had to duck to keep from getting struck from one of Anju’s boots. He watched as the two giantesses marched off into the distance. Link sighed as he sat down on a rock that would look more like a miniscule pebble to the eyes of anyone else.
“(sigh) I’m just too small. There’s gotta be someone who will take notice of me and not kill me in the process.” Link said.

And then, all of a sudden, there was a quick flash of light that temporarily blinded Link. After he recovered his vision, he looked up to see another giantess standing in front of him. And this one not only did he recognize, but this giantess was looking down on him.
“Hello, Master Link. It would seem I have arrived just in time.” the glowing blue and purple giantess said.
“Fi!?” Link shouted.
“Yes, Master Link. It is I. I have returned to help you.” Fi said as her voice echoed like always.
“But, but... you’ve been sealed in the Master Sword...” Link said.
“You are correct, Master Link, although the seal is not 100% complete just yet. I am able to communicate with you based on this opening of a window. However, only you can see or hear me because of the partial seal.” Fi said.
“I see. I’m sure you’re wondering how I got this way, right?” Link asked.
“You do not have to ask, Master Link. I am sensing the alterations in your body caused by that strange liquid you were forced to consume earlier. There is a 100% probability that you would’ve avoided this situation had you...” Fi said.
“Thank you, Fi, but you’re forgetting the sales pitch that was made when I was handed this potion.” Link said.
“Yes... perhaps I have not taken that into account.” Fi said. Suddenly, Link could not feel any part of his body as it enveloped around a blue light. Just as he was wondering why he couldn’t move and why he was glowing, he suddenly found himself rising up in the air. Link rose up higher and higher up Fi’s body until he was staring right at the giantess spirit’s huge face.
“I calculate a 40% chance of full size restoration. But never mind that now.” Fi said.
“Great. All I need is a Loftwing just my size.” Link said.
“In due time, my master. But there is one sensation I can now learn about given your current size.” Fi said. Link gulped nervously.
“*gulp* And what sensation would that be?” Link said.
“The feeling of playing with a living being smaller than myself. I cannot help but admit to always be curious about this sensation.” Fi said.
“That’s all, huh?” Link asked.
“Yes, master, but let us move to a secluded location to help set up a friendlier environment given your condition.” Fi said. As she floated around the grounds with the tiny Link floating only inches away from behind her head, the two eventually found their way into an empty hut, its owner apparently not home for now.

Once they were both inside, Fi gently lowered Link down to the wooden floor. She also stopped floating and landed just inches away from the tiny Link, who could only look up in awe over how she towered over him.
“So, Master Link, if I may inquire. What do you make of my size in comparison to yours?” Fi asked.
“YOUR size? Well, you’re probably bigger than the Light Tower!” Link said.
“I find that most gratifying. I will give you the opportunity to explore my humongous body, such as my feet for example.” Fi said as she gently shifted her feet up and down. Link got the impression she was trying to wiggle her toes, but her body form as a spirit did not include toes at her feet.
“Wait... you’re a spirit! How am I supposed to touch you?” Link asked.
“Trust me, Master Link, just as I have trusted you with my power.” Fi said. Link felt he didn’t really have much choice, and so he slowly approached Fi’s feet. He started by gently touching her ‘toes,’ first a little bit and then with a bit more force. Amazingly, Fi felt this as she recoiled her feet up a little.
“Oh my... I believe I have felt the sensation of the tickle.” Fi said.
“Tickle?” Link asked. He found it confusing that his two-inch-tall body could affect Fi that much.
“Perhaps you should attempt to climb my body, just as you tried to do that one girl earlier.” Fi said. Link took a deep breath, again feeling he had to play along or face consequences, especially since Fi, despite her spirit form, was able to feel the physical activity of her master and therefore the opposite was probably true as well.
With all his might, Link climbed up Fi’s feet as if he were scaling a cliffside. Getting on top of the feet was no problem, but once again he struggled to find footing on Fi’s ankles. Fi recognized the trouble her tiny master was having, so she offered to help.
“Perhaps if I alter my body into a horizontal position, your journey will be made easier.” Fi said as she floated over (with Link holding on) to a nearby bed. As she said she would do, Fi laid down flat on the bed, only using a pillow to prop her head up so she could keep track of Link. As for Link, while it was now as easy as walking past her ankles to traverse Fi’s legs, his size in comparison made Fi feel like she was stretching out farther than the Lanayru Desert itself.
“Oh boy...” Link said to himself. Just then, the green ‘straps’ on Fi’s legs glowed brightly.
“Master, it is of utmost importance that you proceed on your journey right away.” Fi said as she gently bobbed her legs up and down, causing Link to bounce around. Eventually Fi stopped, and after Link shook off the cobwebs, he started walking.

As said before, Link’s near two-inch-tall height made Fi appear mega-sized, and it felt like it would take forever to traverse Fi’s legs, let alone her entire body. Nevertheless, he ran as fast as he could, occasionally stopping to catch his breath. As he ran, he was amazed at how much Fi’s body felt like that of a human. It was beginning to feel surreal running down her legs the way he was. Fi was sometimes tease Link to move a little quicker by poking him with her cape-covered hands (which would knock him down and press him against Fi’s skin anyway). She made one other joke to try and lighten the mood.
“Master, the batteries in your Wii Remote are nearly depleted.” Fi said.
“Huh? What?” Link asked.
“Oh, forgive me, Master Link. I have grown accustomed to sensing the energy presence of another being who seemingly controls the existence of the entire world.” Fi said.
“Uh huh... whatever you say.” Link said. Finally he was able to make it to Fi’s dark purple ‘dress.’ Fi encouraged him as he jumped on top of the dress.
“Simply sensational, my master! You are halfway home now.” Fi said.

Fi continued to lay back and watch as the tiny Link was now running across the stomach region. He closed in on the large blue jewel that was up in the chest region. Fi felt that was good enough, and that’s when she summoned her magic to float Link in the air once again. As Fi stood back up, Link was once again floating in front of her face.
“Very good, Master. I feel you have progressed far enough.” Fi said.
“Um... you sure? I could’ve easily climbed that crystal of yours.” Link said.
“Yes, I do not doubt that, but you will see I had a different reason for ending this game.” Fi said. Just as she said that, the front door suddenly opened, and stepping inside were an elderly looking man and a young girl. Link guessed this girl was somewhere between 7 and 8 years old, but more interesting was the bright green hair she had, along with green shirt, green shorts, and even green boots.
“Yay! We’re home, Grandpa Deku!” the girl shouted.
“That we are, my little Saria. Now you just wait there while I prepare our dinner for tonight.” the elderly man known as Deku said.
“Okay, grandpa! I can’t wait to taste your Kokiri Special again!” Saria shouted.
“Indeed, my child. I can almost feel an entire breed of humanity in my bones just from this one cup of soup!” Deku said excitedly.
Link couldn’t help but comment on Saria as he floated in the air, a handful of feet away from the girl. Of course, Fi was only visible (and audible) to Link so she had no concern over this Saria girl.
“She seems very nice.” Link said.
“Indeed. I detect a 95% probability she, the elderly man, and their ancestors will play a vital role in the future of this land you call the Surface.” Fi said.
“Huh? Just like with me and Zelda?” Link asked.
“Forgive me, Master, but I cannot sense any farther than that. Now come, let us depart.” Fi said.

The two left the hut and Fi felt the time had come for Link to embark on his quest to return to normal.
“As much as I would like to further experiment with interacting with a master who is smaller than myself, I’m afraid I cannot delay your journey any further.” Fi said.
“Journey?” Link asked.
“You must travel far beyond this village and seek out Zelda. I strongly feel she is the one who can help return you to normal.” Fi said.
“Well, okay then. But how am I supposed to find her? I’m not exactly the right size to go looking for a girl who, just like you, is going to be taller than me.” Link said.
“Indeed. I predict a 78% likelihood that you will be flattened before the end of your quest.” Fi said. Link shuddered at hearing that number.
“Leaving me only 22%? That doesn’t instill a lot of confidence, you know.” Link said.
“Forgive me, master, but if I know anything from your last adventure... you will easily defeat those odds. And even better, I know of a perfect way of transportation that is perfect for your size.” Fi said. She then looked over at the group of Cuccos that Anju was trying her best to keep huddled together (something one of her ancestors would have great trouble with, as we all know). Fi glowed her body a light blue, and the same thing happened to one of the Cuccos. Suddenly, the Cucco, like an obedient Loftwing, came walking over and stopped in front of Fi’s feet. Link looked down at the Cucco and gulped nervously.
“(gulp) Can you promise this’ll be a safe ride?” Link asked.
“I cannot provide any guarantees of that nature... but I do know that any other modes of transportation would be very dangerous for someone your size, especially the Loftwing.” Fi said. She started to use her mind powers to lower Link on top of the Cucco, but stopped and brought him back to her face. In fact, she brought him closer than ever towards her lips.
“There is one last sensation I wish to experience while I have the opportunity.” Fi said. Link was then planted on top of Fi’s lips before being backed away.
“Huh? That was...” Link said.
“Yes, Master. A goodbye kiss. For now anyway.” Fi said. Finally, Link was lowered to the Cucco and he made himself as comfortable as possible on its bed of feathers.
“If the need for such a moment arises, I will rematerialize my body and provide assistance.” Fi said.

And then, with another blue glow, the Cucco suddenly felt the need to fly away, and all Link could do was hold on tight.

A few minutes pass, and as Link is looking down on the ground from high above, he finally sees Zelda walking around looking at a group of bushes. He doesn’t seem to notice Zelda’s father, Gaepora, around her.
“Well, friend, thanks for the ride, but this is where I get off.” Link said as he stood up on the Cucco’s back and suddenly leapt off and was now freefalling towards the ground.
“Whoooooaaaaa!!” Link shouted as he went sailing down like a skydiver (those guys in Skyloft always made him nervous deep inside) towards the ground. Once Link made his best guess of being 300 or so feet away from Zelda, he reached into his pockets and pulled out a sailcloth, which allowed him to float down towards the surface. He nervously watched as Zelda got closer and closer, and of course, appeared bigger and bigger.

Zelda, meanwhile, was humming her familiar song, the Ballad of the Goddess, as she was looking down on the bushes trying to find some flowers. She eventually spotted a red rose and put it in her little basket.
“Hmmm... what a lovely looking rose. This will look nice in the village.” Zelda said. As she resumed her search for more perfect looking flowers, she suddenly heard a familiar cry out for her name.
“Zelda!! ZELDA!!!” the voice shouted. Zelda looked up and saw something floating down towards her. She couldn’t make it out just yet because the sun was in her eyes and the shade didn’t help any. Of course, it was the tiny Link floating down with his sailcloth.
Link, meanwhile, knew he was going to overshoot Zelda if he didn’t let go of his sailcloth, and yet he was still (his best guess) 20-25 feet above Zelda’s head.
“Zeldaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Link shouted as he finally let one of his hands go from the cloth and he plunged downward. Link ended up missing the top of Zelda’s head, so he reached out literally for his last rope. Link grabbed the top of Zelda’s dress, dangling him in front of Zelda’s chest. Zelda gasped once when she saw the strange floating object suddenly fall down in front of her face, and then she gasped again when she looked down at chest level and saw who it was hanging on for dear life.

“Link!?” Zelda said.

After watching Link struggle to hang on to Zelda’s dress, let alone climb up it, Zelda gently plucked the shrunken Link off and held him between two of her fingers. She moved him in front of her face, and Link saw nothing but that in his vision.
“Thanks, Zelda. I don’t know how long I could’ve held on.” Link said.
“What happened to you, Link?” Zelda asked.
“I was trying a new diet potion from Luv and Bertie, and it worked too well.” Link said.
“I’ll say. You definitely got more than you bargained for.” Zelda said. Link just sighed as he continued glanced down and saw how high off the ground he was even in the safe grip of Zelda’s fingers.
“I was just barely able to survive in the village. Fi was able to save me, though.” Link said.
“Fi? But I thought she was sealed in the Master Sword?” Zelda asked.
“So did I, but that’s not important now. She helped me get all the way out here, and she insists you’re the only one who can help me get back to normal.” Link said.
“Hmmm... I don’t know what I can do, but we’ll think of something. I trust Fi, Link. If I’m the one that’s going to cure you, then so be it.” Zelda said.
“Well, that’s a relief.” Link said.
“Although...” Zelda started to say, only for the two to hear another voice behind them.
“Zelda, my darling!” the familiar voice of Gaepora shouted. Zelda gasped and quickly closed her hand holding Link into a fist as she turned around and faced her father.
“Father!” Zelda said.
“Zelda, what were you talking to? I couldn’t help but see you holding onto something?” Gaepora said.
“Ummm... well... it was just a butterfly. Probably lost and trying to find its family.” Zelda said.
“Ah, I see. Your words of encouragement should help it immensely.” Gaepora said.
“I hope so!” Zelda said with a smile, secretly relieved that her father bought her made up story.
“Anyway, are you done with the flowers? We should be heading back to the village.” Gaepora said.
“Yes, Father. I’m done.” Zelda said. Gaepora nodded and then he walked in the general direction of the village. Zelda picked up her nearby basket of flowers that she had been gathering, but then remembered the tiny Link in her hand.
“Link, wait up here for now.” Zelda said as she moved her hand up and allowed Link to jump into her hair. Link held onto one of the massive strands of Zelda’s golden hair as she started walking herself.
“Like I have any choice...” Link said to himself.

Zelda and Gaepora were finally back in the village, and as Gaepora was debriefing with some of the knights from Skyloft, Zelda was busy handing out some of the flowers she found to some of the citizens. She first went to one of the newcomers, Anju.
“Oh, hello. I don’t seem to recall seeing you before.” Zelda said.
“I am Anju. I’m still waiting for my husband to deliver the rest of my chickens from Ocarin. Are you the famous Zelda the townspeople have been telling me about?” Anju said.
“Heh, the one and only! Here, you can have this flower as my welcoming gift to you.” Zelda said.
“Oh, thank you very much!” Anju said. Zelda then moved over to Saria and her grandfather, Deku, giving a flower to each of them as well. Just as she finished that, Zelda looked to see Horwell and Eagus approaching her.
“Welcome back, Princess Zelda, the most legendary of all maidens.” Horwell said.
“Awww... that’s very sweet of you, but please... today I am just Zelda.” Zelda said.
“Hmmm? I don’t see Link with you. Where do you suppose he has gone?” Eagus asked. Zelda obviously knew the right answer, but instinctively guessed Link wouldn’t want to be seen by any of his Knight Academy friends or teachers. So she told a different story.
“I passed by him on the outskirts of the village. He said he was checking the lake to make sure there weren’t any monsters there.” Zelda said.
“Ah, that Link. Always hard at work and on duty.” Eagus said.
“Indeed, but he really should try and take it easy after all the trouble the two of you went through.” Horwell said.
“I guess. I’m sorry for being rude, gentlemen, but I have to return to my hut and relax. It’s hot out here!” Zelda said.
“Ah, as you wish!” Horwell said as the two men went in another direction. Zelda then walked into an empty hut, one that belonged to her and her father anytime they needed an extended stay on the Surface.

The young woman sat down on the bed and picked up a nearby mirror to allow her to see her head and find the tiny Link. Once she did, she gently picked the shrunken hero up and watched as he slid down her fingers and into the palm of her hand.
“Teehee! Did you enjoy the ride, Link?” Zelda said.
“I guess about what I expected.” Link said.
“Don’t worry, Link. I promise I’ll take good care of you until we find you a cure. Although...” Zelda said.
“Um... Zelda... I don’t like the way you’re looking at me.” Link said.
“I still would like to play some games with you. You’re just the right size for them after all!” Zelda said with a smile on her face. How huge that smile looked from Link’s perspective did not make him feel any better.
“Oy... first Fi and now you.” Link said.
“First up, I want to see how far you can run in 60 seconds. And I want you to give it your all!” Zelda said. She then got down on her knees and placed Link on the wooden floor.
“Ready, GO!” Zelda shouted.
“But, Zelda! Please...” Link said.
“Clock’s ticking, my little hero!” Zelda said, again with a cute smile on her face. Link sighed deeply and then turned around, running as fast as he could.

When Zelda felt 60 seconds had passed, she tried to hold in a laugh. Link’s two-inch-tall height prevented him from getting far at all. In fact, Zelda felt she could take two or three normal steps and already catch up with the tiny hero. And that’s exactly what she did as she walked up to Link. Link looked behind when he heard the booming footsteps and saw the giant Zelda looming ever so closer. He slowed up as he watched Zelda step over him and now stand in his path. Link stopped and scanned Zelda from bottom to top starting at those huge boots of hers.
“Hehe, caught you!” Zelda said as she reached down and picked up the tiny Link.
“Nothing personal, Zelda, but you didn’t expect me to get far, did you?” Link asked.
“Of course not! I’ll be honest, I only did this so you could get a good look at me from the floor. Did I look really big?” Zelda asked.
“Bigger than the tower.” Link said.
“Now then, I want to see if you’re still a strong and courageous hero. I’ve got a couple ways to test that.” Zelda said. She then put Link on a nearby table and then walked over to a dresser and pulled out another pair of boots. After setting them on the table next to Link, Zelda then took a nearby sword, presumably one belonging to Gaepora, and poked a hole in one of the boots before putting the sword away.
“Huh? Isn’t that one of your favorite pairs of boots?” Link shouted.
“Oh, come now, Link. They’re just boots. They’ll probably be a blue rupee a dozen one day.” Zelda said. Link then watched as Zelda next slipped out of the boots she was wearing, leaving her in her bare feet, and then she put the new boots (with newly made hole) on the floor standing up. Finally she picked up Link.
“You told me you had some tough dungeons to adventure through. Can you escape my boot?” Zelda said.
“No, wait! I’ll suffocate!!” Link shouted.
“Good luck, Link!” Zelda said as she planted her lips all over Link’s body and then lowered him towards her right boot (complete with hole).
“Aaaaaaah!!!” Link shouted as he tried to wrestle free from Zelda’s grip, but he was well inside the boot by the time Zelda finally let go. As soon as he looked up out of the hole, he saw Zelda putting her foot into the boot. He scrambled as fast as he could, making it to the end of the boot before he could be crushed by Zelda’s foot. He couldn’t rest long, however. He sweated nervously as he watched Zelda’s foot draw closer and closer. He felt he was probably inches away from her toes by the time she was done sliding her foot in.

Meanwhile, just as Zelda finished putting her feet back into her boots, she gasped slightly when she saw her father, Gaepora, enter the hut.
“Oh, hello Father!” Zelda shouted as she sat down by the bed.
“Zelda? I heard you gasp. Are you surprised to see me?” Gaepora asked.
“Yeah, a little. I didn’t expect you back home so soon.” Zelda said.
“Well, it’s only briefly. I have to return to Skyloft to help more citizens who have decided to move down to the Surface.” Gaepora said.
“Oh? Is that so? That’s fantastic.” Zelda said.
“Perhaps, but I worry that Skyloft will have nobody left... what will become of the once great land?” Gaepora said.
“Father, you need not worry about Skyloft. It has served its purpose. Remember the legend of the goddess Hylia?” Zelda said.
“Yes, as clearly as the Book of Mudora. I do suppose you’re right...” Gaepora said.
Meanwhile, as the conversation between the two continued, Link was trying not only to avoid being smushed by Zelda’s toes as she wiggled them around, but the air was already getting incredibly thin. He knew he would suffocate if he didn’t find a way to get to the hole in Zelda’s boot soon. He also couldn’t get on top of Zelda’s toes because of little room between the toes and the top of the boot. Link then tried the next best thing, by rubbing his hands all over Zelda’s toes. He was hoping Zelda was ticklish in that part of her body... but to no avail. He kept hearing Zelda’s muffled voice continuing to communicate with her father.
“Darn it! Of all the times to not be ticklish... but then again, I’m so small, she probably can’t even feel me.” Link said as he coughed out trying to get air. He tried to stay conscious, but it was becoming harder and harder to do just that. Of course, it was also getting very hot inside.

At that moment, Zelda and Gaepora were wrapping up their conversation.
“Well, I must be going. It’s hard for me to admit, but I’m glad we had this talk, Zelda.” Gaepora said.
“Me too, Father. Stay safe out there!” Zelda said. After Gaepora picked up his sword (the same one Zelda slightly sliced open her boot with) and closed the door behind him, Zelda quickly reached down and pulled her boot off her right foot. She tipped the boot over and out fell Link right into her open hand.
“Whew... sorry about that, Link. I didn’t plan on keeping you in there for that long.” Zelda said.
“*cough cough* I guess thank goodness for those extra heart containers!” Link said.
“Still, I must apologize. I didn’t mean to endanger you like that!” Zelda said.
“Hey, it’s no sweat, Zelda. Really. Nothing I can’t handle.” Link said. Zelda then smiled.
“I’m glad to hear you say that, because there is one more game I’m confident you'll survive in.” Zelda said, who didn’t waste any time in opening her mouth and moving Link towards the gap.
“HEY! Wait, stop! This is different! Zelda!!!” Link shouted. Ultimately, his plea fell on deaf ears as he found himself swallowed whole by the giantess.
Link stood uneasily on Zelda’s tongue, and before he could relax for one second, he found himself being pressed against the top of Zelda’s mouth as she moved her tongue up. She moved it back down, and then up again. Link got smacked against the ceiling a few more times, struggling to maintain his balance while at the same time being drenched in saliva. Link found it fortunate that he wasn’t sliding down Zelda’s throat and into her stomach.

And luckily he wouldn’t have that problem, for Link suddenly saw daylight as Zelda opened her mouth wide. Using a mirror, Zelda guided two of her fingers to pluck the saliva-drenched Link from her tongue. She put the mirror down and picked up a tissue, wiping Link as well as the hand holding him.
“Teehee! How did that feel, Link?” Zelda said.
“Wet.” Link simply said.
“Hmmm... sometimes I like it when you say so few words.” Zelda said. Link, meanwhile, just stared into Zelda’s face, and she could sense the annoyance in that look as well.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be playing with you like that. I know what you’re going to say, I could have swallowed you.” Zelda said.
“Among other things.” Link said.
“Well, you’ll be happy to know I’ve had my fun now. Now I will help you return to your normal size.” Zelda said. Although Link was encouraged by those words, he wondered how Zelda was going to cure him.
“But how? I don’t think Luv and Bertie have made an antidote to their so-called diet potion.” Link said.
“Hmmm... very true. Oh, I wish I had the answer.” Zelda said.
“I believe I may be of assistance, Princess Zelda.” a familiar voice suddenly echoed in the room. Zelda turned around from where she was standing and looked to suddenly see Fi materialize in front of her.

“Oh, Fi!” Zelda said.
“Yes... I am humbled by your presence once again, princess.” Fi said.
“Please, Fi, it’s just Zelda today. But meanwhile, I heard you were toying with Link earlier.” Zelda said.
“I can 100% confirm that observation. It could not be helped... to play with a living being smaller than you is a truly satisfying feeling.” Fi said.
“I know! I could keep Link like this all day if it were up to me.” Link said.
“ZELDA!!!!” Link shouted angrily.
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” Zelda said.
“Anyway, I am happy to report I have found the answer to all our problems.” Fi said. She then started chanting a few words that both Link and Zelda could not understand. Suddenly, appearing at Fi’s feet was a mushroom. A mushroom that for some reason had a red top with white spots.
“Huh? What’s this thing?” Zelda asked.
“I found it while I allowed my spirit to float around distant lands, all in an effort to study this world for the benefit of future warriors to bear the mark of the Triforce. It’s quite simple really...” Fi said.
“Um, Fi... no offense but I think Link would want you to cut to the chase.” Zelda said.
“Ah, yes. My apologies, Master. I have witnessed the power behind the mushroom you see before you. It seems one bite out of this mysterious item enlarges its consumer.” Fi said.
“Interesting concept. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” Zelda said.
“Or since, I hope. I don’t exactly trust this thing.” Link said.
“But Link! It may be your only way back to normal size.” Zelda said.
“Zelda is right, Master. I cannot think of any other alternative to reduce the effects of your shrinkage.” Fi said. Link then sighed.
“Alright, I’ll do it.” Link said.

The group of heroes didn’t waste any time. After Zelda carefully sliced off a piece of the mushroom, she laid it down on the floor for Link to chew on. It was about the same size as his body, which made Zelda worry she may have given him too much.
“Here you go, Link. I hope I didn’t give you too much.” Zelda said.
“I have 100% confidence you have given him the right amount, Zelda.” Fi said. The two ladies watched as Link scarfed down on the mushroom. He ended up eating the entire sample, and not too long after that, he felt a tingling throughout his body.
“Oooooh... I feel strange.” Link said.
“It’s working!” Zelda shouted. Indeed, she and Fi both watched as Link was growing bigger, along with the outfit he was wearing (a change of pace from earlier when he shrunk out of his hero’s tunic).
A few seconds later, Link was amazingly back to his original height.
“Yes!” Link shouted, holding his arms up like he got a precious new item after opening a chest. He suddenly had to lower his arms as Zelda came running in to hug him.
“Oh, Link! Thank goodness you’re back to normal!” Zelda said as she gave our hero a kiss on the cheek.
“Heh, now there’s a kiss I’m more comfortable with.” Link said.
“It is good to see you back to normal, Master.” Fi said.
“Yeah, me too. That mushroom really came in handy.” Link said.

Of course, this wasn’t the last bit of action the Super Mushroom would see. Zelda was curious about the mushroom.
“Hmmm... I wonder what it tastes like.” Zelda said. As she picked off another piece of the mushroom, Link and Fi watched Zelda raise it to her mouth.
“Um... Zelda, you sure that’s a good idea?” Link asked.
“Well, what’s the worst that can happen? I’m at my normal size, right?” Zelda said.
“Zelda, it would be very much unwise to bite into that mushroom because...” Fi said as she watched Zelda scarf the mushroom piece down her mouth, “...from what I observed it seems to affect a normal-sized person too!” Fi suddenly shouted with urgency. Zelda gulped the mushroom down just as Fi finished saying that, and she had a nervous look on her face when she heard Fi finish her sentence.
And that’s when Zelda began to grow. She knew it as she felt her head bump against the ceiling.
“Ow!” Zelda said as she had bent down to try and keep her head from crashing through the roof, but this was proving a fruitless effort.
“Abandon hut!” Link shouted as he darted for the front door and made his way out. Fi simply floated her way through the walls to escape as well.

Both Link and Fi, as well as the other people in the village, watched as the hut began to crumble apart. Obviously people asked themselves questions when they saw arms and legs suddenly sticking out of the structure, but it was when the hut finally broke apart into pieces and was replaced with Zelda’s growing body that everyone began to scream and either stand still or run away.
Zelda, meanwhile, watched as the village shrunk before her eyes. She finally stopped growing at a huge height of 150 feet tall.
“Oh my... I’m so... so...” Zelda said.
“Are you alright, Zelda!?” Link shouted as he approached Zelda’s boots and the bottom of her dress.
“Are you in physical discomfort?” Fi asked.
“I’m so big. And I like it!” Zelda said as she quickly stood to her feet, really scaring the residents of the village. In fact, Zelda turned around and outright stomped the rest of the destroyed hut flat into the ground.
“Wow, that felt good. Too bad I couldn’t do that to Ghirahim.” Zelda said. She turned back around, facing the tiny villagers.
“Oh! Don’t worry everyone. I won’t hurt you, I promise! In fact, I’m gonna head for the mountains for a little bit. I’m sure they’ll look a lot smaller from up here, teehee!” Zelda said. The towering giantess took a few mighty steps, each one leaving a thundering boom behind. Even when she cleared the village, the giantess was still as clear as day to both Link and Fi as she walked away.
“Master, I fear terrible tragedy will befall not just this village, but the surface world if we do not restore Princess Zelda to her natural height.” Fi said.
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know. We have to shrink Zelda back to normal... and I know just the thing to do it!” Link shouted as he sprinted towards Luv and Bertie’s New Potion Shop.

Luv and Bertie both looked astonished when they saw Link suddenly come running inside.
“Oh, Link! Back so soon? So what did you think of my new diet potion?” Luv asked. Link smiled hoping that question would come out of Luv’s mouth.
“Oh, it was fabulous! You’re right, your diet potion works wonders! Could I have another bottle?” Link said as he held different colored rupees in his hand.
“Most certainly, my friend! Another diet potion ON THE DOUBLE!!!!” Luv shouted over to Bertie.
“Aye aye, sir...” Bertie sheepishly said. As the couple went to the back of the shop to pour Link another bottle of the diet potion, Fi had one concern on her mind.
“Master, I feel I should point out that your action could cause this potion to go on the market, thereby causing other citizens to fall on the same shrinking problem that you had suffered from.” Fi said.
“I’ll deal with that later, Fi. Our immediate concern is curing Zelda before she decides to reshape this world in her charming way.” Link said. As soon as he finished talking, Luv came back holding a bottle of the ‘diet potion,’ which was replaced with Link’s handful of rupees.
“Thank you, Link. Enjoy the dieting!” Luv shouted as Link nodded and then turned around and left the shop. As soon as Link got outside, he whistled loudly. A few seconds later, Link’s Loftwing flew down and landed in front of him. He hopped on and looked back at Fi.
“Are you coming, Fi?” Link asked.
“Yes, Master!” Fi shouted. Link nodded and signaled his Loftwing to begin flight. The two began their flight towards the giant Zelda.

The 150-feet-tall Zelda, meanwhile, was once again humming the Ballad of the Goddesses as she strolled around the mountain area, admiring how much smaller everything had become, namely the forest trees.
“My my... this feels so much different from looking down on the Surface from a Loftwing.” Zelda said. As she looked back straight ahead after carefully stepping over some tall trees, she saw a Loftwing closing in on her.
“And speaking of Loftwings...” Zelda said. When she focused her vision closer on the Loftwing, she saw Link was flying it, with Fi floating in the air behind him. Link’s Loftwing had to be comforted by its pilot after clearly showing nervousness from flying towards the giantess, but eventually both were flying a handful of yards away from the giant Zelda’s face. Zelda couldn’t help but make a joke before Link could say something.
“Hi, Link! Did you come all the way here to rescue little ol’ me? You’re so sweet, but this girl can take care of herself.” Zelda said with a smile (a big one from Link’s perspective) on her face.
“Yeah, I’m sure you can, Zelda. But I bet you’re thirsty after all that growing!” Link said, as he did his best to sell the diet potion to Zelda as anything but that.
“Hmmm... come to think of it, I felt thirsty even before I grew. I better get to the nearby lake and drink up there!” Zelda said.
“Oh, but why waste your strength just walking to a distant lake? I have a bottle of water I made just for you!” Link said as he held the ‘diet potion’ bottle in front of Zelda, who got a closer look with one of her eyes, scaring Link briefly.
“That tiny little bottle is supposed to quench my thirst?” Zelda asked.
“I promise you, Zelda. This bottle is very potent. Take it even for me... and if you’re still thirsty, by all means take a trip to the lake.” Link said.
“Oh, okay. Anything for you, my sweet little hero.” Zelda said as she skillfully and carefully plucked the bottle from Link’s hand. Her huge size allowed her to just toss the bottle into her mouth, although she did break it apart by gently crunching down on it with her teeth.
“Oh!” Zelda said as she watched her surroundings suddenly increase in size, as did her clothing to Link’s great relief.

Link flew his Loftwing down to ground level and landed there on his feet just as Zelda was back to her original size. Link then signaled the Loftwing to return to the sky until the next time he whistled for its service.
“Thank goodness for Luv and Bertie’s ‘diet potion.’” Link said.
“Oh, Link... I gotta admit that was a slick move you pulled on me.” Zelda said.
“Sorry, Zelda... but Fi and I couldn’t let you go stomping around like one of the Golden Goddesses.” Link said.
“Indeed. Let us not forget that it was their magnificent size, on top of their legendary power, that helped shape the Surface world.” Fi said.
“It’s okay, Link. I understand. I should’ve known better. But maybe one day I could grow big and be that way for much longer?” Zelda said as she blinked her eyes at Link.
“Ummmm... you might want to ask your father first.” Link said.
“Hahahaha!!!” Zelda laughed hysterically.
“Well, come on. Let’s get back to the village.” Link said.
“Actually, Master, this is where I must depart for the final time.” Fi said.
“Really, Fi? You sure you can’t stay with us any longer?” Zelda said.
“I would be most honored to, but the longer I maintain my spirit form, the weaker the Master Sword becomes. Its legendary power must not be tainted for future generations of heroes.” Fi said. Link smiled and patted Fi on the shoulder.
“Then this is goodbye, my friend.” Link said. Fi’s body then started to fade away.
“Goodbye, my master. Perhaps there will come a future time when I protect your shrunken self...” Fi said before she was finally gone from sight.

Link shuddered at the thought of being small, whether that be shrunken from a diet potion gone wrong, which he would make positively certain to tell Luv and Bertie when he got back to the village, or from flying near a giant Zelda that could’ve easily crushed him. He hoped his future descendants didn’t have to go through that sort of mile high dream.

Brushing off those last words as a gross exaggeration of his adventure, Link turned his thoughts back to reality as he held an arm out towards Zelda.
“Shall I walk you back to the village?” Link asked.
“Lead the way, hero.” Zelda said. The two quickly shared a kiss before they got back walking to the village. They walked at a slow pace, admiring the world around them that would surely change with each passing day as more of the sky worlds descended down onto the Surface.